Page 18 of Foresworn Oath

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“Hey. Cut it out,” I shout, aiming a booming shot toward the ceiling. The noise gets everyone's attention. “There’s been enough bloodshed today. So this here is a one-time offer.”

Cocking my weapon, I make the threat clear. “The door’s there for anyone who wants to stay a Demon Breaker. Keep your name. Keep your dirty cuts—and get the fuck out of my house. You’ve got twenty minutes to get your shit and get gone before I start firing.”

Jeers follow the brothers who leave, just a handful of them file out. Wolf is the last to leave, turning toward me with a snarl.

“This isn’t the end of the Demon Breakers,” he threatens, slicing a finger across his throat. “You can’t just kill our President and get away with it.”

He pulls down the nearest chair, tossing it against the wall with an impotent clatter, and laughter follows him out the door. But at the same time, his words send a shiver down my spine…

They’ll come for us one day. And so will our other enemies.

They’ll come to test the fresh club, to see if we’re strong enough to hold our territory.

But for now, that’s not my concern.

“Make sure they get their shit and leave,” I grunt at my men, and they hasten out to do my bidding.



Running my hands through my hair, I move on silent feet toward the girl who owns my heart. Crouching down, I scoot as far as I can toward her, reaching out to touch the chilled skin of her leg. She’s barely crying anymore, and her eyes are so red and swollen that her face is nearly unrecognizable. Bruises dot her flesh, and I swear Wolf will pay for every single damn one.

“Come to me, baby,” I croon softly, not wanting to scare her. Trinity is strong as fuck—but with everything she’s gone through today, I want to treat her like porcelain. “Trin, it’s over. Let’s go get you cleaned up.”

Guilt builds inside me as she remains unresponsive on the floor. Is she in shock? Or does she just hate me so much that she can’t look at me?

My hand reaches out, sliding up over her ankle, making her jump and flinch. The whimper of a wounded animal comes from her throat, and worry gnaws at me. Concern that she’s really broken beyond repair—that we’re broken beyond repair—makes my heart stutter in my chest.

“I know shit feels trashed right now,” I say, my voice cracking. “But it’s gonna get better. Promise, baby—I’m gonna make you my queen.”

Her tired eyes finally lift to mine, glazed over in exhaustion and despair. She licks her dried lips and tries to speak, but no words come out; her throat too dry from the trauma. After coughing a few times, she tries again.

“I never wanted to be a queen…All I ever wanted was you.” The sound of her voice is barely a whisper, but when I reach out to her this time, she doesn’t flinch away, instead she puts her blood-stained hand in mine and lets me pull her from underneath the table. She’s still completely nude with fluids marring her skin like a patchwork quilt. Trinity’s body quakes, shuddering as I place her gently onto the table—I’m gonna burn this fuckin’ thing tonight. Start afresh.

Wrapping my, now patchless, cut around her quaking body, I lift her, pressing her against my chest with a grunt. The gunshot wound burns with the added weight and blood trickles down my arm—but I ignore the pain. Heading out into the nearly silent clubhouse, my precious cargo wrapped in my arms, and I take in my kingdom. Tattered couches, broken chairs, and shattered glass are everywhere. Not a single table seems to stand on its own, needing random shit wedged underneath the legs. A coating of dust and grime touches everything within the hallowed walls. The place is a shithole, but without Pirate, maybe it won’t be a hellhole too.

Lists build in my mind as I walk through the space. Things I need to do, things we as a club have to take care of. Hell, there are two dead bodies in Church, that need disposing of. And if I’m totally honest, I’m surprised there aren’t more.

The takeover was easy.

Too easy…

This shit isn’t over by a long shot.

Trinity stirs in my arms, tucking her head in the crook of my neck, and even though it’s faint, her gentle vanilla scent soothes the anxiety rising in me, and I hug her a little tighter—careful not to hold too tightly, lest I hurt her worse.

My legs are heavy as hell as I climb the stairs toward the only place that I’ve ever really felt was mine. Doors line the hallway, hiding brother after brother’s private space, and I wander quietly until I get to mine. Sliding Trinity down my body, I hold her still with one arm, using the wall to keep her standing and slip a hand into my pocket to get the key.

“Where are we?” she asks softly, looking around with her eyebrows furrowed.

“My room, babe. Can finally bring you here,” I say, dropping a tender kiss on her forehead. I’ve always wanted her in my space, but Venom wouldn’t ever let her near the clubhouse. Probably a good call, all things considered. And I always agreed with him, wanting her as far away from Pirate as possible. But now that the bastard is dead, I’m going to make this a safe place for her.

The door swings open with a creak, and I wrap an arm around her waist, finally bringing her into my domain. Her head twists, searching the room, but she doesn’t say a word. Exhaustion lines every muscle of her body. I’ve never seen her so defeated before. My girl has a fire like none other—but right now, it’s like she’s made of spun glass. One wrong move will shatter her.

With a hand on her back, I guide her gently over to the en suite bathroom. It’s nothing fancy, just a somewhat clean shower, toilet, and sink. The tiles are an ugly green color that’s straight out of the ’50s, but she doesn’t even comment.

“Come on, Trin,” I rasp, trying to make my words as soothing as possible. “Let’s wash this shitty day away.”

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