Page 62 of Untamed

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He’s silent on the other end for about ten seconds.

“Dad? Can you hear me?”

“Yes, hold on.”

I purse my lips and wait for him to respond. A herd of cows with the double R brand on their back end are right up against the barbed-wire fence as I speed past.

“Okay, I’m sorry, honey. I was dealing with some unimportant work stuff. So, you and your aunt are concerned for Sheri? When did you last speak to her?”

I try to remain calm while debating my response. I’ve been bringing up my concerns to him for weeks, but he hasn’t shown any interest until now.

“It’s been weeks, maybe three? Almost a month. Aunt June talked to all their mutual friends. No one has heard from her.”

A twist in my gut brings a wave of nausea on. I press on the brakes, slowing as I approach a Stop sign. It’s too dark outside for it not even being five o’clock in the evening. The deep gray clouds in the sky are threatening to downpour. Lightning strikes silently in the distance, but the thunder cracks a few seconds later.

“Rosie, where are you? I feel like it’s not safe for you to be driving right now.”

I come to a full stop, my vision blurring slightly as my mind swirls. “I’m … I’m fine. I’ll see you soon.”

My fists grip the steering wheel firmly.

He sighs. “Okay, sweetheart. Be careful.”

“I will.” I end the call.

Raindrops begin pelting my windshield as I arrive at my apartment complex. A thousand unsavory scenarios are spinning through my mind as I mount the steps leading up to the third floor.

My mother is gone.

No one has heard from her.

Is she okay?

Does my father even care?

Yes, he’s going to help.

I twist the knob to my apartment door, still deep in thought. The living room is dark as I fumble around for the light switch.

Did I lock my car?

My body twists back around as I try to remember if I was too distracted to click the Lock button on my keys. I start walking back toward the door.

Okay, I just need to grab a few things, and I’ll be out of here.

I need some extra clothes for the night since I very well could end up staying over at my father’s house with Aunt June. A crack of thunder sounds above my head, followed by the pitter-patter of raindrops. My skin tingles with a very palpable fear holding me in place. I reach for the switch to turn on the light, uneasiness swelling over me. My fingers finally make contact with it, and I flip it on.

My breath catches in my throat as a masked figure in all black stands directly in front of my face. A scream begins to curdle in my throat, but the figure reaches out a hand to cover my mouth as someone else comes up behind me.

“Hello, Rosie,” the man whispers.

Then, I remember … I was too distracted to realize that I never had to unlock my front door.



Iwake with a start, my fight-or-flight kicking in. I can feel the emptiness of the room, the absence of her even breathing. The coldness of solitary confinement stretches over me, paralyzing my body for a moment before sending me off the mattress and onto the floor. I finish fifty push-ups without breaking a sweat before moving into a one-armed position.

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