Page 101 of Untamed

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“She’s going to be okay. I honestly do feel like it was somewhat of a wake-up call. She’s finally agreed to go to rehab, and she’s already looking into some up where Aunt June lives so she can visit. I just wish we could figure out who did this to us.”

The gnawing words from my mother and Holden about my father claw at the back of my mind. I still can’t accept it. I can’t face it.

Dolly nods, exhaling. “Sometimes, bad people just do evil shit, and we can’t understand why. Sometimes, it’s always going to stay a mystery. I think about what Cain did all the time … how fooled I was by his attention. I’ve come to the conclusion that, sometimes, we just can’t know what people’s motives are.”

I nod, bringing the rim of my mug to my lips. “Slight subject change, but I’ve decided that although being jobless and homeless would be even more character-building for me, it would be much more fun if I could live with my best friend.”

A grin spreads wide across her face as she squeezes my hand. “Oh my gosh, I thought you’d never ask! You can have Duke’s room. I’ve been wanting to kick him out to the bunkhouse for ages, and now that Sterling has signed with the Marines, it’s the perfect?—”

My eyes widen, and I cut her off. “Whoa! I’m sorry, miscommunication. I don’t want to live and work on the ranch. I was thinking about a cute little two-bedroom in town somewhere. I might apply to work here actually.” I look around the quaint, quiet café.

“Oh. Okay …” She trails off, an awkward silence stretching between us.

We let go of each other’s hand, sip on our sweet, caffeinated drinks, and people-watch for a few minutes. We try to speak at the same time.

“Well, if—” she says.

“I guess if—” I start.

She smiles. “You first.”

I exhale. “I just think, in light of the details I shared with you last night, that me living on the ranch would be a recipe for … disaster.”

She tilts her head, a mischievous grin on her lips. “Are you saying that you won’t be able to keep your hands to yourself when one of my brothers is around?”

I vigorously shake my head. “I’m saying that he and I will combust if we’re forced to spend time in the same room, let alone live under the same roof. He clearly still has a very low view of my family.”

And considering I haven’t heard from him since he was arrested because of me … he hadn’t formed the same emotional attachment that I’m suffering from.

The shame of what I did, turning him in like that, has been eating me alive. I’ve stared at his name in my phone, at the last texts we exchanged. I’ve nearly pressed the number to call him a thousand times. I can’t will myself to do it, to reach out to him. If I hear his voice, I’m afraid I’ll crumple in on myself, on the reality of how much I love him and how my father truly is a fucked-up, rapist-protecting, family-kidnapping psychopath.

Holden was trying to protect me from it, trying to show me that he loved me and would take care of me despite who my father was.

I shift in my seat, shoving down the steamy memories from our brief time together on the run that began seeping through my brain. Dolly traces a pattern on the tabletop, eyes staying locked on mine.

“Well, that’s unfortunate because I am having a really hard time finding help to maintain the house. I’ve interviewed so many candidates, and … I’m thinking I might just have to do it all on my own and hope my weak little heart doesn’t give out.” She lets out an exasperated sigh, pursing her lips and looking away.

I roll my eyes at her dramatic statement. “Oh, stop it. You’re being ridiculous. I’m sure there’s someone in town who is up to the task.”

She chews her inner lip, debating my words. “Well … now that you mention it, I bet if I asked Madi, she’d be happy to work and live there. I could give her my room so she’d be right next to Holden …” She tilts her head, blinking at me innocently.

My stomach turns over. My breath grows ragged as I clench my fist in my lap, bending the spoon between my thumb and forefinger. I try to inhale slow, deep breaths as visions of Madi throwing herself all over Holden every second of the day and night tortures my imagination.

Would he offer her payment to sleep in his bed?

She’d probably do it for free … among other things.

I suddenly feel like I might vomit.

“I don’t think he’d even let me come back. I’m the one who turned him in, and the case is still ongoing …”

“He’ll do exactly as I say! He likes to think he’s head honcho over the entire ranch, but I’m in charge of the house. If it makes you feel better, Duke can stay in the main house, and Holden can move to the bunkhouse.”

I sigh, immediate relief flooding me. “Okay, that I might consider. If they’re all okay with it and you’re … sure.”

Her eyes light up as she claps her hands excitedly. “Oh, yes! They’ll be fine with it. They’re all sick of frozen pizza since you’re not there to make their favorites. Rosie, it’s going to be amazing. It’s about time we lived together. Life is going to be right back to normal in no time.”

I chuckle, squeezing her outstretched hand again. “You’re manipulative—you know that?”

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