Page 59 of I Fing Dare You

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I turn to face Yuki, blinking in surprise. I don’t think I’ve ever spoken to her before, other than to ask her about her food order earlier today.

“Hell yeah.” I scream back to be heard over the beat.

She’s smiling at me, though it doesn’t reach her eyes.

“I helped design this place," she tells me. "It’s a resounding success, like everything Jason does.”

I hold her stare. “I thought the four of them created it.”

She rolls her eyes. “They bankrolled it and occasionally had some input, but this place? It’s Jason’s. Can’t you feel it?”

I don’t know what to answer. I don’t know Jason enough to form an opinion, which I suppose is her point.

“You guys used to date,” I mention.

Yuki seemed delighted by my question. “You know. As much as Jason ever dates anyone,darling. We saw each other, while seeing other people. But I will marry him some day.” She’s deceptively casual. “Old contract between our parents. I just figured you should hear it from me. You seem sweet, but he’s going to chew you up and spit you back out when there’s nothing left.”

I smile back at her, showing all my teeth. “Thanks for letting me know,darling.”

What a bitch.

Although, it doesn’t mean she was necessarily wrong.


Tuning out Yuki’s words was easier said than done. I’ve almost convinced myself I've put it behind me by the time I reach my friends. One look at me, and Gabriella asks, “Who do I have to punch?”

Which is hilarious coming from such a sweet-looking cutie.

“No one. I’m good.” We’ve made headway toward the bartender. Olivia orders all our drinks and flashes her ID when Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome asks her for it.

I’m half expecting him to ask for ours too, but he sweep our group with one glance and doesn’t bother. He probably knows we all have fake IDs if showing them is necessary.

He slides the last of our drinks across the bar at us, when arms wrap around me. I don’t have to turn to recognize the distinctive scent.

“Hello. You must be my Nadia’s friends.” He’s pouring on the charm he uses when he feels like it. Fake as fuck, and just as efficient.

My friends stare in shock before glaring at me like I committed a cardinal sin.

All right, I might not have mentioned Jason’s existence to anyone, because what the hell am I supposed to say? "Hey, there’s a cute guy who likes to torment me."

“I’m Jason,” he introduces himself. “You mind if I kidnap her for a bit?”

I expect my friends to say they very much mind. They’re protective as hell, after all. We have each other’s backs.

“Absolutely,” Gabriella agrees.

“Any time!”

Harper nods wordlessly, basically eye-fucking him.

I turn to him, realizing a little too late that in doing so, I’m facing him while pressed flush against him. “What if I mind, Alden?”

He leans to me, just like Paul did an hour ago. “You don’t.”

I could knee him in the junk. I could ask Gabriella for help. She’s armed with a brand-new glass too.

But he happens to be right, so I just roll my eyes, following him when he tugs my wrist and heads toward the staircase at the back of the bar.

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