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Chapter One


When my grandparents brought my father and his siblings here from France, I think he really wanted to give them a better life. Back in France, they were always fighting over territory. There was one family that we had gone into battle with a few times. An Italian family, the Mancinis. Each family wanting full control over routes for running guns and drugs through parts of Europe. Even after moving to Illinois, the feud continued. My family had settled in Sprite Lake Village, and theirs in Lake Renegade.

When my papa was sixteen, he met the love of his life—my mother, Nadia. She was the daughter of a Sicilian mafia boss and both families had decided that joining forces would be a good move. So they made an agreement that my parents would be married. Luckily, my parents fell in love. Together, they had four sons. I’m the oldest, then the twins, Fabien and François, and the youngest is Jérôme. When I was I was five, my papa bought home another set of twins—a boy and a girl. They were two years old. At the time, Fabien and François were four, and Jérôme was three. We were told that their parents couldn’t take care of them, so they would be our new brother and sister. Papa said their names were Olivier and Amélie, but they never answered to those names. And after a few days of them not answering, he told us we could call them Lorenzo and Giovanna. Those names they responded to.

It took Lorenzo a few weeks before he spoke to us in English. Up until then, he would just say words in Italian. And Giovanna? Well, she took a little longer and she clung to Lorenzo all the time. But eventually she came to love all of us and we loved having a baby sister.

Twenty-three years later, we found out that my papa had kidnapped Lorenzo and Giovanna from the Mancinis. That was one of the worst days of my life, second only to the death of my mamma. We lost her in a car accident when I was eight.

Finding out that my papa had taken Lorenzo and Giovanna from their real family devastated our own family. The day we found out is the day they moved away from us. The only thing that saved my brothers and me was that they still call and see us. Their parents even welcomed us boys into their family.

It’s been almost two years since then, and our families have come to a truce. We all work together to make Illinois a safer place. Enea Mancini is their papa and he usually deals with me, even though my papa is still the head of our family. There are times when Enea has had to be around my papa and you can feel the anger coming off of him. And I can’t blame him one bit. I don’t know how I would feel if someone took my babies.


I had a wonderful childhood growing up. I have four brothers and one sister, one of my brothers is my twin. All of us have always been close. When we were younger, we spent all our time together. Even including our baby sister in everything we did.

As adults we are sure to always make time for each other and talk daily. Sometimes it’s hard because Christophe is based in Springfield, working with our papa. Jérôme is the head ER doctor at a hospital in the city of Chicago. And the twins, Lorenzo and Giovanna are in Boston going to school. Lorenzo is studying to be a lawyer and Giovanna wants to be a surgeon. My twin Fabien is always off somewhere acting, he’s pretty well known. But you wouldn’t think he was a big star if you saw him at home. No matter how busy were all are, we always find ways to see each other at least once a week.

After Lorenzo and Giovanna found out that they were taken from their real family, they went back to them. So seeing them and spending time with them was harder. They also left their school in Boston and transferred to a University in Chicago. Through all of this, they still did their best to keep in touch with us. Calling at least once a week and we texted all the time. And their family never blamed my brothers or me. Which was a huge relief. I don’t know if I could handle not being able to talk to them anymore.

After this all came out, I felt like I needed an outlet for my feelings. One that I always thought about, but never had the courage to pursue. Then one day I was talking to my sister about how frustrated I was in not finding my true someone. And she said maybe I needed to explore other things. I had no idea what she meant at the time. Then she suggested a place called Club Sin. There’s one in Chicago, New York, New Orleans and another that just opened in Seattle. It’s a place where you can meet other people and explore your wants and needs in a safe place. I never asked her how she knew about Club Sin. Mostly because I really don’t want to know if she’s been there.

My brothers and I are planning a trip to Seattle. Maybe I’ll check out Club Sin there, less chance of running into people I know.


Being an ER doctor doesn’t leave me a lot of time for anything. My baby sister was going to follow in my footsteps, but then the upheaval of our family happened. But through all that, she was lucky enough to find her soulmate. He’s a star hockey player for the Chicago Redhawks. After meeting Declan, Giovanna decided to take time off from medicine and start a family. Now they have a son, Rowan and he’s the light of everyone’s life. Sometimes I envy her and Declan. That’s what I want. Love, companionship, babies. And I keep telling myself—one day.

I never really have any time for myself or time to do fun things. I make sure I see my siblings at least a few times a month. But as for relationships? That’s a joke. There’s never any time to meet someone and woo her. If I had a clone or two of me then it would work. Because with my work schedule, I don’t feel like I can give a woman what she wants. I work five shifts and I’m on call for a sixth. I’ve been offered the head position at Lucciola Memorial Hospital in Lake Renegade. And after talking to my papa and to Enea Mancini, I’ve decided to take the position. I’ll also be moving to Lake Renegade. My papa is sad that I’ll be leaving Sprite Lake. But it’s my dream job. I’ll finally be the head of an Emergency department.

About a year ago, I over-heard some interns talking about a place they go to as a group. A sex club where there’s rules that you need to follow in order to play there. I want to go and see what it is, but I just don’t have time.

In a few weeks, my brothers and I are taking a trip to Seattle. Well two of them, Fabien is in Italy filming a movie and he can’t get away right now. Maybe I’ll check out Club Sin there, they just opened one there.


I need a fresh start somewhere. Seattle is getting to be too much with the ghosts of my past. I moved here when I was eighteen, having grown up in Idaho. I had been here for about a year when I met the man who would become my husband. Jonah was the most loving person, he never left the house without giving me a hug and kiss. And of course an ‘I love you’. We also never went to bed angry. When I met him, he was in the police academy. We had been dating for two years when he proposed to me. Then one persons stupid decision changed my life forever.

When I lost my husband, we had been married for almost a year. All it took was one person thinking that having a few drinks wasn’t a big deal to change my whole life. A twenty-one year old girl celebrating her birthday. She had a shot and a couple of beers with friends and then got behind the wheel. My husband was a Seattle police officer. He had just pulled someone over for speeding when she swerved and hit him. The accident also hurt the woman that he pulled over. Thankfully she has recovered. But that twenty-one year old is now in jail for killing my husband.

I’ve spent the last year trying to heal from losing Jonah. I loved him so much and I know he loved me. We wanted three children and we had just started trying to conceive when he died. I still wish I had been pregnant when he died. At least I would still have a part of him with me. But I haven’t given up my dream of having a baby. Even if I have to do it on my own.

One of my friends was telling me about a club that just opened here in Seattle. Club Sin. She says there’s rooms tailored specifically for different ‘kinks’. She said that maybe that’s an option to my baby situation. There’s a kink that’s called ‘breeding’. Which means that the only goal to being with someone in that room is to become pregnant. But do I want to be pregnant from a stranger? I guess it’s no different than going with a sperm donor, right? At least this way I’ll get to see what he’s like in person. And not just read about them on paper, hoping he didn’t lie on the form.

Lately I’ve been feeling restless too. The memories I have of Jonah are starting to suffocate me. We did so much in the years we had together. I think I need to start planning my move. Jonah and I visited Chicago and we both loved it. Maybe that’s where I’ll go.

Chapter Two


Today I’m heading to Seattle with my brothers François and Jérôme. Jérôme’s taking a couple of months off before he starts his new job in Lake Renegade. We invited our other brother Fabien, to join us. But he’s in the middle of filming a movie and can’t get away right now.

“So what are your plans while we’re in Seattle?” Jérôme asks as we wait for François to get here so we can head to the airport.

“Well there’s this club that I heard of. There’s one in Chicago, New York, New Orleans and now one in Seattle. So I was thinking of trying it out.”

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