Page 82 of Little Fox

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I couldn’t remember any of their names. After tonight, I wouldn’t remember their faces either. It would be just another party. Another hazy memory that would fade as soon as the hangover did.

I gripped the bathroom counter as a bulky blonde-haired guy in a toga costume railed me from behind while his friends watched. Fighting back the urge to cry, I gazed down at my pointy-red nails to avoid looking at myself in the mirror.

When Bailey told me to stick close to these guys, I don’t think she meant like this. But that’s just what I do. I drink too fucking much and throw myself at every cock that swings my way. Now I had four of them lined up, waiting for their turn to fuck me.

Shame filled me as I realized that this wasn’t the same thing as what Bailey had with her guys. No. Her guys adored her. Loved her. The frat boys snickering and high-fiving each other in this bathroom felt none of those things for me. I was just a toy to be played with. A body to be used.

And while my best friend was out there risking everything to hunt down the assholes who assaulted us, I was bent over a sink, spread open, allowing these douchebags to use me.

The blonde guy grunted as his cum filled me. “Fuck, that pussy is tight.” He nodded to his friends. “Get in here while she’s still wet, boys.”

My stomach rolled as a taller, dark-haired guy switched places with him. He pressed a glass of clear liquid to my lips. “Have another drink, sweetheart. It’ll loosen you up.”

My head was buzzing. I promised Bailey I wouldn’t drink anymore tonight. But it was too late. As I poured the drink down my throat, the dark-haired guy unzipped my top.

He turned me toward the other three guys and walked me to them. He brushed my hair to the side before dragging his hand across my nipples. “You’re a dirty girl, aren’t you?”

The room started to spin as they laughed. “I’m a lot of things,” I slurred.

Another blonde one squeezed my nipples while the dark-haired one pushed his cock inside me. I let out a moan as he yanked my hips back. “Fuck, yeah. Man, you weren’t lying. This pussy is tight as fuck.”

The blonde guy fisted my hair and jerked my head to the side. “I don’t want to wait my turn.” I gagged as he thrust his cock into my mouth. “Fuck, that’s right, sweetheart. Choke on my dick.”

My core spasmed as they fucked me like I was their broken doll. It felt so fucking good, and yet I hated myself more with each thrust. But I would never see them again. And I would turn over a new leaf as soon as I got out of this hellish town.


The new Maureen would never let assholes like them fuck her in a bathroom. Even if it was just a lie I told myself to justify the act.


No. I was going to be better at Tenebrose Academy. Different.



“Oh, fuck. I’m cumming.” His thick cream gushed into me and leaked down my thighs.

The other one pulled his cock out of my mouth and jerked it over my breasts, spraying his cum all over my nipples. “Damn, I could play with this slut all night.”

“Nah, she’s fucking filthy. I’m done.”

They laughed again. I couldn’t even tell whose voice belonged to whom. I fell to my knees as they stepped over me and left.


I pushed myself up and braced against the sink. My head pounded. I ran the water and splashed it on my face. As I looked around for my top, the door burst open.

“Get the fuck out,” I barked as I cupped my bare breasts.

A man in a ski mask, dressed in all black, lingered in the doorway, his blue eyes cold and emotionless. He looked me up and down, taking stock of my half-naked body and the sticky cum that was smeared across my chest.

“What the fuck are you looking at?” I yelled.

The man clenched his fists. “Maybe lock the door next time,” he growled.

I snorted. “Right. That will solve everything.” I turned around and fumbled with my bustier.
