Page 65 of Little Fox

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“No, Maur. You’re my best friend. They will love you because I love you. We had every right to have a fun night alone. It is not our fault this happened. Okay?”

She nodded, sniffling again. “I know. But people in this town will say it is. They put Billy and Chad on a fucking pedestal.”

A fury grew inside me. “Well, we’re about to knock them off it. Fuck anyone who tries to stop us, or I’ll come for them too.” I squeezed her hand again. “Let’s get inside. We’re safe now. They will protect us both.”

Maureen smiled for the first time all night. “I’m excited to meet the men who make my best friend happy.”

My stomach knotted as we headed to the front door. This was going to be a long fucking night. Tensions were already high before I left.

As soon as I turned the key and stepped inside, I froze. All four of them stood in the middle of the foyer with fists clenched. Even Raine’s usual smirk was gone from his face. Maureen clung to my side as they gazed over us.

“Holy, fuck, Bales. You definitely downplayed how hot they are,” Maureen murmured.

If we hadn’t just run for our lives, I would have laughed. Seeing them through her eyes for the first time, took my breath away.

Poe, Grim, Saint, and Raine were achingly beautiful. Soul-crushingly stunning. But they were also deadly as fuck. They were monsters. My monsters. And I was about to unleash them on this whole fucking town.

I think the shock of what we just went through was beginning to wear off and reality was setting in. Maureen shivered by the fire, a blanket around her shoulders. She gazed at each of my guys, going back and forth between them. I think a part of her was trying to rationalize the fact that they were dead.

A thick silence hung in the air between us. They listened quietly as I recounted everything that happened tonight. Everything. Maureen burst into tears hearing the details of what Billy and Chad did to me while she was tied up in the other room. It made my own stomach turn as I said the words aloud.

I watched as my guys’ faces turned from concerned to murderous.

“I’m going to murder them slowly,” Grim spat. He ran his hand through his blond hair, his fingers twitching.

“We’ll take turns,” Saint growled.

Poe leaned forward, his head in his hands. Was he crying? Fuck.

“We will all have a go at them.” Raine sucked in a sharp breath. “They fucked with the wrong psychos.”

Maureen wiped the tears from her cheeks. “I want to be there when their last breaths leave them. I want to hear them scream and beg for their lives.”

Raine smirked at me. “I like her already.”

Saint let out a deep sigh. “Maureen, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. I don’t think that’s been said yet. I’m sorry it’s under these circumstances.”

She shrugged. “This is Wickford Hollow; I wouldn’t expect anything different.”

Poe looked up; his eyes glassy. “I can’t imagine how scared you must have been. I’m so sorry that happened to you. This is why we didn’t want you to leave.”

“Speak for yourself,” Raine hissed, and Poe shot him a glare.

I leaped to my feet, annoyed. “Just stop. I refuse to be a prisoner in my own home. I’m done letting Billy or anyone else control what I do and where I go. I love all of you, but I can’t lock myself away in here and avoid the outside world forever.”

Saint nodded. “You’re right. You’re a grown woman who can take care of herself… clearly.”

I raised my chin. “Exactly. Thank you for the knife by the way.”

Grim jumped from the couch and rushed me. “No, Bailey. Going out for a cup of coffee in broad daylight is entirely different from spending the night alone in the woods when there are monsters stalking you in the shadows. That’s not being fearless, it’s stupid.”

I looked him dead in the eye, my jaw clenching. “We are the only monsters here, Grim. Billy and Chad are nothing but disgusting pigs whom I intend to gut open. Now back the fuck off.”

He was pissing me off. I understood his need to protect me, but trying to control me outside of the bedroom was not going to fly.

Grim held up his hands and stepped back. “Look… I-I just don’t want anything to take you away from us. Those fuckers could have killed you.”

Raine planted himself between us, shaking his head. “No. They couldn’t actually.”

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