Page 63 of Little Fox

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“You ready?” I asked.

Maureen squeezed my hand. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”


You never know what you’re capable of until faced with your own demise. It wasn’t the possibility of death that scared me. No. Death would have been easy. It was the thought of what those sick bastards would do to us before they killed us. And the thought of anyone but my guys touching me… That got my adrenaline racing and my feet moving forward.

We were halfway down the hallway when the taunting began again.

“I can hear one of you bitches breathing,” Billy sneered. “I can’t wait to fuck that tight little ass of yours, Bailey.”

I swallowed down the bile in my throat. In the dark, I could make out the side of Maureen’s face pressed against the wall. I could feel her pulse quicken through her fingertips as I squeezed them in my palm.

With the knife gripped tightly in my other hand, I nudged her forward. There was no turning back. The window in my bedroom had been stuck shut for years and now I was silently cursing myself for not getting it fixed. The only way out was through the front door.

Maureen started forward again. Every step felt like an eternity. But it was in the quiet and stillness of the dark where I thrived. I could see shapes and shadows that others did not. Maybe I had spent too much time wandering graveyards. They could call me a freak all they wanted, but it was me who had the upper hand now.

As we reached the end of the hallway, my stomach knotted. We were almost there. They knew it too. The house was too quiet. Too still. Billy was just waiting for us to slip up. I prayed neither of us did.

Maureen froze at the threshold. Fuck.

My heart raced. Come on, bestie. We can do this.

And like a mind reader, she took another step, moving to the right just like I told her. Good girl. I placed my hand on her shoulder and followed her lead.

Muffled voices cut through the room, and I clenched my knife tighter. Billy and Chad weren’t the sharpest tools in the shed, but they weren’t idiots either. Their eyes had most likely adjusted to the dark as well.

Two more steps to the right and we had a clear path to the front door. I could almost taste our freedom on my tongue. I clamped my lips shut and took small breaths through my nose.

A large shadow shot forward, narrowly missing us. “Fuck!” Billy yelled. “I know you’re in here, Bailey.”

Maureen tried to stifle a whimper, but it was too late.

Another shadow dove toward us, knocking us to the ground. I cried out as one of their hands wrapped around my ankle. “Got you, bitch,” Chad snarled.

I shot up and slashed at his hand with my knife. He groaned as I felt the blade pierce flesh. His grip loosened and I scrambled away from him, heading toward the front door. Where the fuck was Maureen?

A loud crash sounded from the other side of the room. “Maureen!” I called out. Fuck.

I was almost to the door, but I refused to leave her behind. I called out to her again as Billy grunted like a wild animal.

“I’m fucking one of you tonight. I don’t care which one,” he snapped.

“Fuck you and your tiny cock, Billy,” Maureen shrieked.

I sucked in a sharp breath and scanned the dark, spotting Billy walking backward into the kitchen. A few feet away, Maureen’s tiny frame neared the couch. “Tequila. Two steps, Maur!”

As soon as I heard the bottle clank against her ring, I knew she had it in her hand. Without hesitating, she smashed it down against the coffee table.

“Let’s go, motherfuckers. Who wants to get cut first?” There was a feral streak in her voice that scared the shit out of me and excited me at the same time.

I watched as the two larger shadows scrambled around, disoriented.

“I’m going to kill you, you crazy bitch,” Billy yelled. Thunder roared as the wind pounded against the windows. “I’m going to burn you alive just like your fucking parents.”

Fucking hell. My rage threatened to expose my location as it took every ounce of strength to stay quiet and not lunge at him.

We had about ten seconds before the lightning lit up this whole fucking room.

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