Page 44 of Little Fox

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My heart raced. It pounded in my ears, louder than the rain hitting the kitchen window. Poe was finishing up the dishes in the sink, humming an unfamiliar tune to himself. I glanced through the double French doors that led outside and spotted Saint working in the garden. Grim was most likely in his room reading.

Poe took one look at me and knew. His nostrils flared. “Did he hurt you?”

I threw my arms around his neck. “I’m okay. I promise.” His embrace was everything I needed. It felt like home.

“Bailey, don’t cover for him.” Poe looked me up and down, examining me for injuries.

I sighed. What do I actually tell him? “It wasn’t like that… exactly. I can’t explain it.”

Poe cupped my face in his hands. “You can tell me anything. If he hurt you, I need to know. I won’t allow it.”

Raine scared me but I still wasn’t sure if it was because I thought he would actually hurt me or if it was because he stirred a longing I didn’t know was there.

I clasped Poe’s hands in mine. “I’m still figuring him out. Trust me. If I thought I was in any real danger, I would have called out to all of you.”

He pursed his lips. “That’s the thing, Bailey. I’m not sure you trust yourself. Raine is manipulative. He will make you think you want something even if you don’t.”

I had considered that as well. But despite my better judgment, I was drawn to Raine. I nodded. “I know. He’s… a bit unhinged. That could be because he hasn’t had any real interaction with anyone for over a century. I just need more time with him.”

Poe sighed and kissed my hands. “I just want you to be happy. But I swear to god if he hurts you in any way, I will never let him be alone with you ever again.”

That was the thing about our life. I couldn’t just leave Raine behind without leaving Poe, Grim, and Saint behind as well. I had to make this work. Otherwise, they would be glued to my side for the rest of my days. And we’d always live in turmoil and chaos. Raine wasn’t going anywhere. And neither was I.

“I’m going to meet Maureen for coffee in town. Tell the guys I’ll be back later and not to worry.” I wrapped my arms around his waist and breathed in the sweet scent of vanilla and pastry cream from the pancake batter that still clung to his shirt.

Poe squeezed me tight. “I hope we can figure this all out soon. Halloween is next week. I just want our anniversary to be special.”

My stomach knotted. “You know it’s technically Raine’s anniversary too… he admitted that he pushed me into the door. He brought us all together.”

Poe nodded. “I know. Go have fun with your friend. We can talk more later.”

I went to peck him on the cheek when he found my lips and slipped his tongue inside my mouth. There was an ache in his kiss I hadn’t felt before. He pushed me back against the counter and kissed me deeper. Every nerve in my body tingled with love and desire. The night we shared made me feel more connected to him. The way we fucked was different. It was slower, more sensual. And now his kisses felt more intimate too.

I pulled away, breathless. “I love you, Poe.”

His eyes lit up. “I love you so much, little fox.”

“Girl, you better spill the tea. I can see it in your eyes. Something happened with the new guy, didn’t it?” Maureen bounced in her seat while she added a third packet of sugar to her latte.

My cheeks burned. I was still getting used to talking openly about my unconventional sex life. Yes, she was my best friend, but I still had a lot of issues with shame I was working through.

“There was an incident. Yeah.” I let out a nervous laugh.

Her eyes lit up as she squealed. “Ooh, what happened?”

The wind picked up, blowing a cold gust through my hair, sending chills up the back of my neck. I wrapped my hands around the hot mug in front of me, using it to warm my hands before taking a sip. The sweet flavor of pumpkin spice filled my mouth, invoking a deep sense of nostalgia for my favorite time of year.

We would have been way warmer inside the café, but I wasn’t in the mood to be looked at under a microscope. It was bad enough that half the room looked up and stared when I walked into order. I also didn’t want anyone eavesdropping on our conversation.

“Well, for starters, he’s a complete fucking psycho.”

Maureen leaned forward like she had a secret. “Like evil psycho? Or super-hot-I-want-to-fuck-you psycho?”

“A little bit of both, actually. He ambushed me in the shower, tied me up, and forced me to cum… Is it possible to hate someone so much you want to fuck them just so you can let it fester more?”

Maureen almost choked on her latte. “Damn, Bales. Okay, now I know he’s hot for sure. And yes. Hate can be as strong as love. They might not look the same, but both spike your adrenaline. Your body doesn’t know the difference.”

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