Page 4 of Little Fox

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I fought back the urge to cry. Maureen hated mushy shit. “I know. I promise we’ll have a girls’ night before you leave.”

Somehow I was going to have to find the balls to fess up to my best friend about Poe, Grim, and Saint. They were tied to this town, and I was tied to them. So despite getting smooshed fries thrown in my face, being with them was worth every snide comment and hateful stare cast my way.

I pushed open the front door and was instantly hit with an array of scents—freshly picked wildflowers on the foyer table, sweet incense smoke burning throughout the house, and the rich aromas of meat and garlic wafting from the kitchen.


I let out a grateful sigh and threw my keys on the table. “I’m back,” I called out.

Before I could walk three more steps, a pair of strong arms wrapped around me from behind.

I jumped at first, still getting used to the fact that my guys could appear and disappear at will. Another ghost thing I was learning to live with.

“I missed our little fox,” Poe rasped in my ear. His lips brushed my earlobe and sent a tingle straight to my core.

I sank back into his arms. Safe. Loved. “You have no idea how much I missed you all today.”

He dipped his fingers into the waist of my jeans. “Everything all right, love?”

I bit my lip. The last thing I wanted to tell him, any of them, was that I had a run-in with asshole Billy and my stupid ex. It would only make them angry and fearful every time I left the house. Not that I even wanted to go into town, but someone had to get the groceries. Plus Maureen would throw a fit if I didn’t keep our weekly lunch dates.

I squeezed his hand, urging it lower. “Just peachy,” I cooed.

Poe chuckled and pushed his fingers inside my panties. “Are you trying to tempt me into eating out that sweet pussy of yours?”

Shuddering, I leaned my head back against his chest. “Is it working?”

“Little fox… you tempt me every time you walk into a room.” He slid his middle finger down my already wet center. “I will devour every sweet and sticky inch of you.”

My breath hitched as his fingers probed deeper inside my folds. “Fuck… Poe. How do you always know what to do?”

He kissed my neck, sending goosebumps across my flesh. “Because I know what you want, little fox.” His thumb circled my clit. “I know what you need.”

My knees shook as he wedged two fingers deep inside my pussy. I let out a soft whimper as the pressure inside me grew. We were insatiable. All of us. I ached for each of them every minute of the day. No matter how much we gave each other, it was never enough.

“I’m so close, Poe…”

“I know, love.” He pumped in and out, slowly, pushing and pulling his fingers through me with bittersweet torture. I rolled my hips, swaying to the rhythm of his movements. Riding his hand as I chased my orgasm.

“Oh, fuck,” I cried out. I clenched around his fingers as my juices spilled out.

He palmed my pussy, pressing it hard against my clit. “Mmm, just like that, my love. Unravel for me. Such a good—fucking—girl.”

His voice in my ear was my final push over the edge. I let out a throaty moan as my orgasm rolled through me. “Ughhh…”

“Fucking beautiful.” He stilled his hand as I panted.

“Well, that’s one way to greet a woman when she walks in the door,” I murmured.

“Are you surprised? I’ve only been making you cum non-stop for a year straight, little fox,” Poe teased.

I turned to face him and planted a soft kiss on his lips. “And yet I always want more. I’m greedy like that.”

He flashed a devious grin as he sucked my cum off his fingers. “So am I. I’m determined to keep that sweet little cunt of yours dripping wet at all times.”

We were about three seconds from ripping each other’s clothes off and fucking on the marble foyer floor. I stepped into him and sighed. “I need a shower and you should probably check on whatever delicious food you’ve cooked that’s got the whole house smelling like a gourmet restaurant.”

Poe licked his fingers again. “Mmm, yeah. You are filthy. And I have a special anniversary dinner planned for all of us.”

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