Page 3 of Little Fox

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Rage seared through my veins. But before I could react, Maureen swung her fist at him. He ducked and grabbed her arm, twisting her around so her back was pinned against his chest. His buddies laughed harder.

I stood from my seat. “Let her go, Billy.”

The rest of the patrons did nothing. Said nothing. They just watched on like we were in an episode of their favorite reality TV show.

Maureen squirmed in his arms. “Don’t you know who I am, fucker?”

Billy snickered. “Please, Maureen. Your daddy might be the sheriff, but he shoots more whiskey than he does criminals. Now shut your pretty mouth before I stick my dick in it.”

I was going to fucking kill him. “Billy. I said let her go. It’s me you have a problem with.”

Chad’s eyes darkened. “Hey, let’s go, man. I really don’t want to get arrested tonight.”

Maureen elbowed him in his stomach. “Yeah, Billy, listen to your daddy Chad.”

“Maureen,” I warned.

Just as Billy’s eyes turned murderous, Ruby came flying over. “Enough. This ain’t one of your house parties, Billy. Get the hell out of my diner before I call the sheriff myself.”

Ruby was not a big woman, but her presence was larger than life. She had a short fuse and thick skin. Diner life was no joke. When the customers got out of hand, Ruby laid down the law.

Billy pushed Maureen back toward our table. “I’m bored with you basic cunts, anyway. Enjoy your fries, Bailey.”

I let out a sigh of relief as soon as they walked out the door.

Ruby eyed both of us back and forth. “You girls all right?”

“Hell no, we—”

“We’re fine. Thank you, Ruby.” I shot Maureen a look so fierce she quieted instantly.

Ruby nodded. “Uh-huh. I’ll get you some more fries.”

That was another thing about this town. No one wanted to get involved in other folks’ business unless it was forced onto their lap. If I said we were fine, Ruby was going to take me at my word. She had more important things to do than coddle a grown woman.

“I’m so sick of those assholes, Bales. We need to do something. Like, fuck with them somehow.” Maureen’s pale cheeks flamed pink and her freshly blown-out hair was starting to frizz at the crown.

I sighed. “And do what? They’ll only come back at us harder. No. I just want to forget about them. Do you see why I hate coming into town now?”

“Well, this is your town too. You can’t let them keep you locked away in some creepy mansion all by yourself forever.”

A twinge of guilt stirred in my belly. I still hadn’t told her about… them. Maureen was my best friend. My only friend. If I told her I was living with three spirits in the house they were murdered in, she’d have me committed. If I told her all the vile things they do to me… she’d never speak to me again.

“Bailey. Are you even listening to me?”

I shuddered. “Yeah. No. Sorry. What were you saying?”

She rolled her eyes. “I said, when are we going to have a girls’ night? It’s almost been a year, and I still haven’t gotten drunk and slept over at your place. I’m not gonna lie, Wickford Mansion creeps me out but you’re my best friend, so I’ll suffer through,” she teased.

Since moving in, I hadn’t let her, or anyone get any farther than the front sitting room off the kitchen. There was no way I was going to ask Poe, Grim, and Saint to stay hidden all night in their own home. And I wasn’t ready yet to introduce her to them.

“Soon. I promise. Believe it or not, I’m still settling in. I’ve got crap everywhere. Just give me some more time. Please, Maur?” I physically hated lying to her.

Her eyes lit up when the new basket of fries arrived. Her hand was already digging in before they touched the table. To be fair they were the best sweet potato fries in town.

She swirled one in a bowl of ranch sauce and shoved it in her mouth, her eyes rolling back in her head like she was about to cum. “Fine, Bales. Whatever you want. Just don’t wait too long. I’ve only got one more month in this place. It would be nice to have a couple of sleepovers at my best friend’s house before I go.”

My heart sank. Every time I thought about Maureen moving away, I wanted to hurl. It’s not that I wasn’t happy for her. She got accepted into Tenebrose Academy, her dream school, but it was in Raven’s Gate, which was six hours away. Her dream of studying Gothic costume design was finally coming true. I just wish it didn’t have to take her so far away.

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