Page 20 of Good Girl

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A deep guttural moan escaped my lips as he pushed another finger inside me. I clenched around him, squirming to try and get myself off against him.

“Please, fuck. I want to cum. Grim, please.”

He growled and hit my ass again. I screamed as it reverberated through my entire body. He shoved his fingers deeper inside. Stars clouded my vision. Sweat pooled down my back. “Ughhh, fuck… yes.” I panted.

I turned my head to see Poe and Saint fisting their own cocks, and I cried out again. I had almost completely forgotten that we weren’t the only two in the room. The sight of them touching themselves pushed me over the edge.

The pressure swelled against the walls of my pussy. “Grim. Fuck. I’m… I’m close.”

Grim slowed the rhythm of his fingers to an agonizing pace, drawing it out like torture. My senses were heightened. My nerves tender and raw. I could feel every inch of his fingers from the soft tips as they reentered, all the way past the second knuckle as he stretched me. The slickness as they slid back and forth. I rocked my hips against him and spread my legs, allowing him to go even deeper. It was pure fucking ecstasy.

“That’s it. Just like that, little fox.” He fisted my hair and turned my head back toward Poe and Saint. “Show them what a good girl you are and cum for us…”

And that’s what sent me over.

I clenched and gasped as my orgasm took hold of my nub first and then spread deep inside. As I moaned through the pleasure, Grim brought his hand down hard on my ass. I flinched and another orgasm rippled through me.

“Fuck,” I screamed.

Grim stroked my back as I shook. He untied my wrists as he leaned down and whispered in my ear, “I want you to feel your cum dripping all over my cock. It feels so fucking good. So dirty.”

I struggled for breath as my heart pounded out of my chest. I reached in between us and wrapped my hands around his cock. He moaned as I stroked him, smearing my sticky juices up and down his shaft.

Poe growled and stalked over to us. “Turn her over.”

As I was flipped around, I kept my hand firmly on Grim’s cock. Poe stood over me as he touched himself. “Open your mouth.”

I parted my lips just as he shoved his cock inside. “Good fucking girl.” He grabbed the back of my head as he fucked my mouth. I kept my grip on Grim, sliding my hand up and down to the rhythm of Poe. “Fuck.” A burst of liquid hit the back of my throat as he moaned. I drank every drop of his thick warm cum. And then another burst coated my fingers as Grim released. He bucked against the window, nearly breaking it.

I licked my lips and smiled up at Poe. “You taste so fucking good.”

Every inch of my flesh was on fire.

“I want her back on the floor,” Saint commanded. He stood from the couch and stepped out of his jeans.

Fuck. I almost forgot there were three of them. I was on the verge of blacking out. The stimulation was driving me crazy. But no matter how battered I was, I would not resist Saint. I needed him to touch me. I wanted him to make me cum so bad.

Poe and Grim lifted me up and placed me gently on the floor on my back. Saint picked up the riding crop and stalked over to me.

I was getting spanked again. I clenched my pussy as a new wave of tingling started to spread. I started to climb back onto my hands and knees when Saint grabbed my ankles.

“No. I don’t want you on your knees, little fox. Not this time.”

I was confused. “What are you going to do?”

His eyes glazed with carnal desire as he stared at my pussy. “Remember your word?”

Poe and Grim moved behind me and each grabbed one of my wrists.

“Y-yes. I think so.”

Saint dragged the riding crop over my hard nipples. “Say it so I know you didn’t forget.”

I inhaled a sharp breath. The feel of the leather crop against my swollen nipples was amazing. “Devil,” I rasped.

“Good girl. Now open up nice and wide for me.”

I spread my thighs as far as they would go, feeling the beginning of an orgasm starting to already move through me. Sometimes, the fantasy, the waiting, could make me cum without even a single touch.
