Page 19 of Good Girl

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Poe kneeled down next to me and grabbed my chin, forcing me to look into his piercing green eyes. “Give me a word, little fox. Something you’ll remember.”

I blinked a few times, mesmerized by his long black lashes. “Why?”

Grim knelt down on the other side of me and yanked my chin away from Poe. Now I was drowning in pools of blue eyes, colder, harder, but just as fucking hungry. “Because the lines between pleasure and pain are about to blur for you. We need to know when you’ve had enough.”

Oh fuck. I should have been terrified. But all it did was make me wetter. Needier. “Okay, my word is… devil.”

Grim’s smirk deepened. “Good girl.” He looked at Poe. “You’re up first.”

Saint pulled up a chair and sat in front of me, holding tight to my chain. “I want to hear you scream, little fox.”

I swallowed hard, my heart racing. Fuck, fuck, fuck. What am I doing?

I turned my head to the side just in time to see Poe pick up the leather riding crop. He slid it back and forth against his palm. He stalked around me dragging the tip of the crop down my spine as he circled until finally stopping behind me. I clenched my pussy as he tickled my ass with it, caressing me gently.

He chuckled as I flinched every time it touched me. He teased me for what seemed like hours, stroking it down the middle of my ass. My legs trembled in anticipation.

And just when I thought I was going to collapse onto the floor, the wind changed above me. I heard the snap before I felt the sting.

“Fuckkk,” I cried out.

He smacked the other side of my ass, harder this time, and I bucked forward. The sting spread, shooting tingles throughout my entire body.

Grim rubbed my back. “Good girl.”

My eyes watered as Poe brought the crop down harder. Then the warm flesh of his palm was on me. He kneaded my ass gently. “You like it, don’t you?”

I gasped for breath. I fucking loved it. “Yes,” I whispered.

Saint pulled my chain. “Louder.”

“Yessss,” I cried out.

“My turn,” Grim growled. He sat down on the edge of the windowsill. “Come here, little fox.”

My body was shaking. I started to push myself up when Poe cracked the whip down hard again. “No. Dirty girls don’t get to stand up. Fucking crawl to him.”

Oh, fuck. I was almost ashamed of how turned on I was. Almost. But they didn’t make me feel any shame. No. They make me feel alive.

Saint unhooked my collar and patted me on the head. “Such a good fucking girl. Go to him. Nice and slow.”

I locked eyes with Grim. His gaze was darker, hungrier than before. I watched him watching me as I crawled across the floor to him. He took off his jeans but held onto his belt. My pussy was aching with need by the time I reached him.

Grim laid back against the window. “Lay across my lap.”

I crawled up and onto him, trembling. As soon as I stretched out across him, he grabbed my wrists and fastened them tight behind me with his belt. His hard cock pulsed against my stomach. “Relax, little fox. I’m going to make you cum so fucking hard and for so fucking long, you might not ever be able to stand up straight again.”

I shuddered as he dragged the tip of his fingers down the opening of my ass. “I like to feel the sting against my hand,” he rasped.

He trailed his fingers further down, cupping my pussy in the palm of his hand. “Fuck, you are wet. So fucking filthy.”

I moaned as he squeezed my clit. “Grim…please.”

His cock throbbed against my abdomen. He pushed a finger inside me but held it still. “Say it again, little fox. Beg me.”

I writhed against him. “Please make me cum, Grim.”

Without warning he brought his palm down hard against my ass. “Again.”
