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He wipes a tear that falls down my cheek. “I never pitied you. I might have hidden things from you, but that was because I refused the very notion of triggering you or pushing you toward the very episodes you were experiencing before falling down the stairs. I was sincere in everything we did together.”

“I know that now.” I reach my hand out and palm his face. “I’m sorry I stabbed you.”

“You didn’t mean to.”

“I still stabbed you and it hurt me as much as it hurt you, if not more. So I couldn’t see you unless I made sure I’d never cause you pain again, whether consciously or unconsciously.”

“I’m proud of you, beautiful. I know these past five months were hard, but you did so well.”

A rush of endorphins flows through me, but I force it and the flood of tears down. “I did it for me, but also for you. For us.Thank you for being there every night. For being so supportive even when I pushed you away. It means so…somuch to me.”

“I’ll always be there.” He strokes my cheek, my nose, the corner of my mouth, wiping all my tears with eyes so soft and loving, I want to drown in them.

“Even if I get worse?”

“Especially if you get worse.”

“Even if I don’t want you?”

“Even then. Though you wanted me since you were a kid. I doubt that will ever change.”

“That’s true.” I chuckle through my tears before it slowly dies out. “I’m sorry I threatened you with committing suicide. It’ll never happen again.”

He nods, a flash of pain passing behind his eyes.

And this is when I know I hurt him so deeply, probably as much as he hurt me in the past.

The Tin Man feels, and it’s because of me.

“I love you, Eli. I’ve been in love with you since I was a clueless little girl. What started as a naive crush deepened into this uncontrollable love where I’d do anything for you. Including forgetting about all the pain in the past.”

“You’d do that?” he murmurs.

“In a heartbeat. We’ve been apart for far too long. We misunderstood each other for such a long time, too. I think it’s time for us to start a new life together.”

“Together,” he echoes, and then his lips brush against mine.

It’s a sweet kiss in the beginning, but then he deepens it, stealing my breath and my future.

The love of my life might not be conventional, but he’s all mine.



My moans echo in the hall as Eli carries me into our bedroom while his lips devour mine.

I should probably tone it down, especially since Sam and Leo were grinning and clearing their throats as we passed by the entrance hall. But honestly, I’m too happy. And turned on.

It’s a travesty that I didn’t get to touch my husband for a whole five months.

Still clashing his tongue against mine, Eli reaches out to my zipper and slides it down, his fingers skimming my heated skin and leaving a war of goosebumps.

“God, I fucking missed you,” he grunts against my lips. “I missed your scent, your taste.” He licks my swollen lips, then sinks his teeth into the lower one, then kisses my nose. “Your lips, your nose, your eyes, your body, your laughter, and even your goddamn bratty behavior. I missed your everything.”

His lips trigger a war of tingles wherever he kisses me and every part of me throbs with both adoration and boundless excitement.,

When he lays me down on the bed, I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing his cheek, his nose, his eyelids, and then brushing my lips against his. “I missed you, too, so,somuch, it was driving me insane.”

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