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“Yes!” I pause, my body feeling foreign, as if my brain doesn’t fit the reality I’ve found myself shoved into. “What else did I miss?”

“Well,” Cecy starts. “Kill and Glyn took the year off and are touring the world, backpacking, and completely disconnectedfrom civilization. They’ve been on their trip for about three months now. They’re engaged, too.”

“Oh fuck. I missed that as well? Who else is engaged?”

“Anni and Creigh. Lan and Mia. Bran and Niko. They’re getting married before Jeremy and me because Niko is in a hurry. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they eloped any day now. Niko’s definitely pro that option and keeps bringing it up daily, but Bran wants their families and friends there.”

Her words hit me like an arrow. The fact that all of this happened during a time I have zero recollection of leaves me hollow.


Why did I forget a whole two years of my life?

How could I erase important moments for my friends?

Creighton is Eli’s younger brother and the best of the King siblings, in my opinion. Landon and Brandon are his cousins. Bran is an angel and my favorite King man. Lan is an arsehole and a narcissistic psycho, but he’s still much better company than his older arsehole cousin.

Mainly because he helps me destroy the Tin Man’s armor.

“Where does everyone live now? I assume they graduated uni and went on with their lives?”

“Yeah, well. Jeremy, Niko, Bran, and I live in New York. Lan and Mia are also there because Lan is getting an MBA, but they’ll move back to London after they get married. Creigh and Anni are also moving back here, but they’re now spending time with her and Jeremy’s parents in New York. Uncle Aiden isn’t a fan of Creigh not wanting to take his role at King Enterprises. All the weight is falling on Eli’s shoulders.”

“What about Lan?”

“He wants to continue sculpting for a few more years before he sacrifices his, and I quote, ‘godly artistic talent for boring corporate work.’ As you know, Bran never wanted anything to dowith the business side of his family, so that only leaves Eli. He’s also involved with the corporation from his mum’s side of the family. Let’s say, it's not fun being Eli these days.”

And yet he was here for the past two days after I woke up. Even when my parents were around. Even now, I can feel his presence somewhere outside my room.


Is this another game?

If it is, the rules must’ve changed, because I don’t recognize any of them.

We were supposed to annoy each other while remaining outside of one another’s lives. But now…what?

Married? Eli and I?

I still find it extremely hard to believe.

Ari clicks her tongue. “He’s been a massive doucheface to my Remi and overworking him at Steel Corporation. He better watch his back, I’m telling you.”

I narrow my eyes. “Don’t tell me you’re also engaged?”

“Unfortunately, no. Remi is still an idiot, but he’smyidiot, so you’re not allowed to call him names. I’m the only one who can do that. Anyway, he’ll give me a ring sometime before he dies.”

“You still like him?”

“Don’t be daft, Ava. I don’t like him. Ilovehim. He loves me, too, by the way.”

“Doesheknow that?”

“Deep in his heart, he does.” She grins.

“How can you be sure? And no, delusion can’t be the answer, Ari.”

“I’m not delusional.You’redelusional.”

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