Page 15 of Daddy for Davina

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"So tell him to fuck off and mind his own business. You don't owe him an explanation." Corey eyes me sideways, a hint of rebellion lurking in his gaze. I swear, there's a reason he's a criminal defense attorney. He hasn't met a rule he doesn't want to bend. It's precisely why he needs a partner who can handle him. He may be submissive, but he's feisty about it.

"Um, yes I do. He's my boss."

"Pfft." He waves away my response with a flick of his hand. "There is no law that says a paralegal can't have a relationship with a client, Davina. You aren't violating some ethical code here. You're breaking Stanley's rules. And you hate working for that miserable son of a bitch, so if he fires you, is it really that big a loss for you? You can come be my paralegal." He grins savagely. "You showing up every day and waltzing off the elevator one floor above him would really piss him off."

I crack a smile at the image he paints. It doesn't suck. But my smile fades quickly when I remember what I did this morning. While Micah slept soundly, I gathered my clothes and slipped out of the apartment, fleeing like the hounds of hell were chasing me.

"I snuck out," I whisper, fighting the urge to cry again at the reminder.

"No," Corey gasps as if I just personally insulted him. "Tell me you did not leave that gorgeous specimen of a man in bed with no note and no explanation."

"I did." I squirm at the reminder, feeling about two inches tall. "I panicked!"

"Girl." Corey shakes his head, tsking at me. "You are a hot damn mess."

"I know!" I cry, covering my face with my hands. "He's going to be so mad at me when I show up at his office tomorrow. I may get myself fired for nothing." I groan miserably. "I wouldn't blame him if he never speaks to me again. I'm a terrible person."

"You aren't a terrible person. You couldn't be terrible if you tried."

"I feel pretty terrible," I mutter. All night, I tried to find the courage to tell Micah the truth, but every time, I'd find some excuse to swallow it back like a total coward, promising myself that I'd do it in a little while. A little while never came. Instead, I laid there while he slept and convinced myself that telling him would only make him hate me.

I don't know even know what I was thinking. But I laid there in his arms, watching him sleep, and I just…panicked, feeling like the worst kind of person. I took what I wanted without even telling him the truth or giving him a chance to decide if he wanted to sleep with his lawyer's paralegal.

What if I told him and he hated me? What if he felt used?

I freaked out a little, so I gathered my clothes and ran like a coward.

Reality set in about five minutes after I got home and the panic receded. I left him alone in bed instead of telling him the truth.

If I ever needed to know why my life is a mess, this is my answer. Me. I'm the problem, just like my parents always said. I'm a crazy person. There is no other explanation.

"You left Micah Borden in bed. Alone."

"Why do you have to keep reminding me?" I cry. "I've been beating myself up about it ever since I snuck out. I didn't stop crying for hours after I got home!"

"Jesus." Corey blinks, taken aback. "You cried over him?"

"I really like him, Corey," I whisper. "Like, really freaking like him. If I'd known what to ask for, I would have asked for him."

"It was that good, huh?" My best friend laughs quietly. "I can't believe you gave up your V-Card in a BDSM club and promptly fell in love. Jesus Christ, Davina. This is the most you thing ever."

"I didn't give it up in a BDSM club." I blush, averting my gaze because there's no way I can look him in the eyes and talk about this. He can talk about sex with a straight face, but I still stutter and stumble through every conversation. "We, um, fooled around in the orgy room and then he took me upstairs to a private apartment that's not part of the club."

"Hold the fucking phone." Corey jumps to his feet, his face a thundercloud. "He took you into a fucking orgy?"

"What? No! Jeez. No." I blink up at him. "The room wasn't in use."

My best friend continues to glower at me, disapproval stamped into every line of his face. "So there was no orgy?"

"No orgy." I hold up my pinky for him to hook his through. Once he does, his expression softens, making me smile. "So, you can take me to a BDSM club and hand me off to a stranger, but you draw the line at me participating in orgies?"

"Until last night, you'd never even been kissed, Davina. He told me he wanted to talk to you in private. If he lied, I was going to be pissed about it." He shrugs. "A good Dom can be trusted, regardless of whether he's your Dom or not."

I cock my head to the side, smiling up at him. "You're not so bad at this best friend thing, you know? I think I'll keep you."

"Bitch, I'm fabulous." He strikes a pose, cracking me up. I love him. We met my very first day at the law firm and have been inseparable ever since. He was my first friend in Silver Spoon Falls, and I wouldn't trade him for anything.

"How'd you know he's a Dom?"

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