Page 14 of Daddy for Davina

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I want everything.

I want…forever.

Chapter Five


"Imet the man of my dreams last night!" Corey falls into a fake swoon on my gray sectional, the back of his hand against his forehead and a broad smile stretched across his face. His shoulder-length blond hair fans around him. "Oh my god, Davina. He was magnificent!"

I offer him a weak smile, curling my feet up underneath me on the far end of the sofa. "That's great, Corey."

"His name is Adam. He is so fucking fine." Corey fans his face like it's hot even though the room is chilly. "He works for Sterling Midnight, the CEO of Midnight Industries. And do not even get me started on what that man can do with his tongue."

"I'm happy for you."

"We're meeting up for dinner tonight. Can you believe it?" He hauls himself upright, beaming. "An actual date with a man I'm more than willing to let take charge! That hasn't happened in…fuck. Forever, probably." He laughs like it's no big deal even though we both know it is. Corey is complicated. He doesn't like to be in charge, but he doesn't make it easy, either. He's been on his own for way too long.

"Good for you."

He narrows his gray eyes at me, muscular arms crossed. "Okay, Miss Raincloud. Spill the beans. Why are you all doom and gloom today?"

I bite my lip, fidgeting with the edge of the blanket folded over my lap. "I met the man of my dreams last night too," I finally whisper.


I nod, blinking rapidly to fight off tears.

"Uh, that sounds like good news to me. The man is fucking hot. He's a billionaire. He owns his own company. He's well-respected in the kink community and in the community at large." Corey ticks off attributes on his fingers. "And he was looking at you like he wanted to devour you. I fail to see the problem here, Crazy Pants."

"Stanley Maynard."

"What the fuck does your dick of a boss have to do with this?" Corey growls. He's a lawyer at the firm where I work, except he works in criminal law instead of contracts. He can't stand my boss. Honestly, no one likes Stanley. He thinks he's a big deal because he works with billionaires, but he's just a big jerk.

"Micah's our new client."

"Oh." Corey's eyes widen. "Oh, shit. I forgot about that." He gapes at me. "You're the lead paralegal assigned to him, aren't you?"

I nod miserably, my bottom lip quivering. "And I slept with him anyway."

"Fuck me." Corey sits back on the couch, shocked silent for once in his life. "Stanley will blow a gasket if he finds out."

"I'm going to ask to be transferred off his project." He hired us to negotiate millions of dollars in contracts for his company—everything from new client contracts to contractor payments. It's going to be a massive undertaking. We're supposed to work from his office all week.

"What are you going to say?"

I wrap a loose string around my finger, shrugging. "The truth?"

"You're going to tell your asshole boss that you fucked his new client in a BDSM club?"

"Okay, maybe not the whole truth," I say, blushing all the way to my roots. Trust Corey to put it bluntly. "He'd probably use it against me since he hates me."

Stanley hates everyone, but I seem to have a special place in his hateful little heart. I don't know what I did to land there, but he goes out of his way to make my life as difficult as possible. Honestly, I think it's simply because I refuse to let him break me. He makes everyone cry, but I just smile and nod pleasantly, refusing to let him win.

I may not be very brave, but I won't be bullied. Not by a jerk like Stanley Maynard.

"I hate to tell you, sweetheart, but that fucker is going to use anything you tell him against you," Corey growls. "He's got a stick up his ass the size of Texas."

My stomach sinks because he's right. No matter what I say, Stanley is going to flip out about it. "I have to tell him something."

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