Page 87 of Until Mayhem

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“No, I think she was just worried about potential pain.”

She relaxed a little, though stress and worry were still clear on her face. “Thank you.”

I turned toward Madison. “Enjoy your candy, hero.”

“I will!”

Giving her mom’s arm a squeeze, I opened the door to find Judge and Haze still outside.

“All good?” Judge asked. At my nod, he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “Let’s get you to bed.”

“I’ll stay until Scythe gets back then crash, too,” Haze said.

“Thanks, brother.”

Once we were in our room, I started launching questions at him before the door even closed behind us. “Who is she? And what happened tonight? And who did that to her? Because I’m going to break their arms and then stick thorns in some very painful places.”

Judge stripped off his shirt and started working at his jeans. “Fuckin’ hell, don’t get me hard right now.”

“Thorns are your kink?”

“No, your violent streak is my kink.”

I rolled my eyes, but did it smiling.

After undressing, he sat with his back against the headboard and pulled the sheet up to his waist. “Strip.” When I opened my mouth to argue because, even though his nudity did all sorts of things to my body and head, the moment was way gone, he added, “For bed. Still got a dirty mind, princess.”

“I think it’s worse now.” Not wanting to dig around in our bag, I stripped to my panties and stole the shirt he’d discarded, pulling it on. I moved toward my side, but my steps faltered when I saw the searing, possessive heat in Judge’s hooded gaze.

And the large bulge raising the sheet.

“No,” I said, both to myself and him. “We’re talking and then sleeping.”

“Didn’t say anything.”

“But your eyes and cock did.”

“Got a new kink,” he muttered.


“You sayin’ cock. Swear to Christ, O, I could come from just hearing that word come out of your sweet mouth.”

“We’ll test that. I’ll say all sorts of filthy things… tomorrow.” I sat at the foot of the mattress, keeping my distance so neither of us got off-track and handsy. “What’s going on?”

“Nox has something called Gus-Protocol. She knows the important stuff in his life but doesn’t want the details. Her choice.” He rubbed his jaw. “You want an Ophelia-Clause?”

“I want you to be able to share all your life with me, not just parts of it.” I shrugged. “Plus, it might work well for others, but I’m too nosy to bury my head in the sand.”

“Wanna bury my head between your thighs,” he growled.

“Tomorrow. Now, answer my questions so we can sleep.”

“Bossy.” He pulled me to him, settling in. “We gotta deal with the present before we go to the past. Nox called.”


He filled me in on the conversation, including shedding some badass light on my girls at work who were trying to do a little good in a highly illegal way.

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