Page 81 of Until Mayhem

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WAKING SUDDENLY, I had a panicked moment of disorientation as I tried to figure out where I was. When my eyes focused and my brain fog lifted, I remembered we were in a motel.

Well, I was.

Because no one was in bed with me. And even though I couldn’t see through walls, I somehow knew no one was in the bathroom.

I gingerly climbed out of bed, my muscles protesting each movement.

I’ve been asleep for two hours. Why does it feel like I reverse slept and am more tired now than before?

After checking the bathroom to confirm Judge wasn’t in there, I looked for a note, wondering if maybe he’d changed his mind about going out with Jury and Hollywood.

There was nothing.

Maybe he went for ice.

Or a candy bar.

It’s a scientifically proven fact that vending machine candy tastes seventy-percent better than store bought.

Opening the door and going out into the night seemed like the kind of thing a stupid chick in an action movie would do right before she was kidnapped by bad guys. And, while that happening in real life was probably rare, so were apartments getting ransacked by bad guys.

So, the door stayed closed.

But I did shove the warped and faded armchair out of the way to look out the window.

And see Judge.

But not alone.

There was a woman standing with him. And, even in the dim, flickering parking lot lights, it was easy to see she was beautiful.

Maybe she’s just asking for directions?

She launched herself forward and wrapped her arms around him, burying her face in his chest.

Directions to his penis.

My stomach twisted and clenched, my chest becoming so tight, I couldn’t breathe.

I stormed toward the door, ready to throw it open and go off. Grasping my last, tenuous strand of control, I forced myself to stop with my hand on the knob.

There’s probably a good reason.

There has to be.

I fought to breathe deep and think rationally, but the elephant on my chest made the former hard and the jealousy controlling my emotions made the latter impossible.

My mind raced, trying to come up with a valid excuse, but I couldn’t because I didn’t know why we were there in the first place.

Without that info, I couldn’t know what kind of excuse was valid.

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