Page 80 of Until Mayhem

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“Holy shit,” I drawled.

“Holy shit is right. Gus told her nan what I went away for, and the euchre-hustler decided she wanted to upgrade to a drug Robin Hood. Her and her blue hairs have been conning the doctors with all their rich people pains, stockpiling the drugs to slip to me. Like I’d want, or be able to, smuggle thousands of damn dollars of medication out.”

I couldn’t help it.

I laughed.

“That’s what Dair did. You’re all off your fookin’ nut.”

“You know as well as I do, crime doesn’t discriminate.”

“Aye, but Gus’ nan? I went straight there after the bastard gave up the info. Figured I’d sniff around and see if any of the staff stuck out. Wanna know what Ms. Carol Anne did when she saw I was there without Gus? Proud as hell, opened a locked storage closet filled with pills. I don’t even know half the shit they stockpiled. Told her to shut down her elderly cartel, hopefully she listens.”

The puzzle was coming together, but there were still pieces missing. “How’d O get dragged in?”

“The old man must’ve told Nash’s girl about their operation. You’ll have to ask your lass why they’d think she was involved.”

I looked out through the crack to see she hadn’t moved. “It’ll have to wait ‘til tomorrow.”

“Aye. I’m tryin’ to find Nash, but he’s in the wind and hasn’t been to his Fortress of Fuckery in weeks. In the meantime, I’ll put the word in the right ears your lass is not involved.”

I didn’t hesitate, not for a second, before saying, “And let them know coming after her means coming after Mayhem.”

Backing her with Mayhem was big, but Nox didn’t question it. “Fun to see the boom from the outside.”

“Don’t you have to go tell your wife her grandma is El Chapo?”

“Fookin’ hell. Be in touch.”

We clicked off, and I returned to my spot at the edge of the bed.

It took longer than I’d expected, but my phone vibrated with the text I’d been waiting for.

Glitch: Pulling in.

My gut clenched and adrenaline raced through my veins like I’d shot up with Red Bull.

Quietly, I slipped from the room, easing the door closed behind me.

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