Page 33 of Until Mayhem

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Trepidation mixed with a sense of foreboding filled me, and I couldn’t help but feel like I was about to make a huge mistake.

Do I really want to leave?

That one stupid thought was enough to confirm I needed to hightail it out of there. Charming danger was still danger, and I needed to remember that.

Holding my breath, I moved slowly, but each inch seemed to cause a deafening creak. I paused, and when Judge didn’t wake, I stood in one fast, fluid movement. I wasn’t sure how loud it’d been since my pounding heartbeat filled my ears, blocking out everything else.

My body was so tense, my muscles felt like they were about to turn my bones to dust. Lack of air burned my lungs and made my head swim, and I had to force myself to breathe before I passed out and fell on him.

I was not made out for a life of spy-y things.

Darting my gaze between Judge’s face and my target, I slowly bent over him. I was positive the thundering in my chest would wake him, but his eyes stayed closed.

Mine didn’t because I couldn’t blink.

Couldn’t breathe.

My fingertips barely grazed the cold metal when something grabbed my wrist. Tight.

I yelped and tried to pull away, my wide eyes shooting to Judge’s open ones.

Casual and cool as could be, he put his hand under his head. “What exactly was your plan here?”

There were a million things I could’ve said. Or, better yet, I could’ve remained silent. But instead I blurted, “You were asleep.”


“Yes, you were.”

“Think I’d know if I was sleepin’,” he pointed out.

Again, stupidly, I declared, “You were supposed to be.”

“So you could grab my gun and what? Were you gonna use it, princess? Grip the cold steel, press it to my head, and blow me away?”

I wasn’t sure how much more my poor heart could take, but his words, the barely restrained rage that roughened his tone, and the way he held my wrist tight enough to almost hurt made me feel like I was about to have a heart attack.

It also made me wet.

So unbelievably, undeniably, embarrassingly wet.

Not that murder was my plan or my kink. But the erotic way he spoke. The power in his words, in my actions.

It was wreaking mayhem on my sensibilities.

“I wasn’t,” I started, and even to my own ears, I could hear the breathiness. Hoping he’d chalk it up to the fear that should’ve been shaking me to my core, I cleared my throat and tried for firm and unaffected. “I wasn’t going to use it.” Realizing I’d called my own bluff, I added, “Unless you made me.”

He chuckled, but it was gruff. “Nice try, badass.”

“Why were you pretending to be asleep?”


“Your eyes were closed.”

“Yeah, ‘cause I was tryin’ to fall asleep… kinda easier to do that with my eyes closed.”

I’m so not a Bond Girl-level super spy.

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