Page 32 of Until Mayhem

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Not physically, though I was teetering awfully close to the edge of a bed—and not my own.

I’d jolted awake, the jarring sensation of falling a great height to my death enough to make my heart race. And though I’d been sprawled on a soft bed, and not the jagged rocks of a ravine, my heart rate hadn’t slowed.

It’d sped up, beating the wild tempo of a rocking drum solo in my chest.

Rapidly blinking, I tried to sort through the haze that bogged down my brain, beckoning me to close my eyes and go back to sleep.

I almost obeyed, my heavy lids closing and refusing to open again, when I heard it.


And, again, not my own.

My eyes shot open and I rolled, nearly falling off the edge that was even closer than I’d thought. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to make out his silhouette.



Lying on his back, his steady, even breathing filled the air.

He’s asleep. Vulnerable.

My eyes darted to the large shadow that was his muscular body.

Kinda vulnerable.


I stayed where I was, trying to decide what to do. I could get up and make a run for it again, but between my lack of shoes and the insanely loud alarm, I wouldn’t get far.

A well-aimed foot to the crotch could buy me a few minutes head start, but the aforementioned shoe-alarm issue would still create a problem.

There were probably a wealth of other possibilities, but escape protocol wasn’t exactly something I’d brushed up on, so I was drawing a blank.

But I had to do something.

I can pretend I’ve got to go to the bathroom, grab my shoes as I go, then jump out the window. Even with the alarm, I could probably make it just far enough to find a spot to hide until morning.

Adrenaline and anxiety made me tense and jittery, like I would come out of my skin if I didn’t move.

I was about to roll toward the other side of the bed to execute my escape when something on the floor next to Psycho caught my eye.

His gun.

I was pretty sure, at least. What else could it could be?

If I grab it, I don’t have to run and hide until God knows when. I can walk out of here.

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