Page 11 of Until Mayhem

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“Still got a connection at the PD?” At his nod, I told him, “There’s a garbage bag of her underwear on the bed. Don’t know if there’s any DNA—”

“Dair will drop it off.” Checking his watch again, he stood. “Shit. We got plans to visit Gus’ nan, and if we’re late, there’ll be hell to pay.”

“How’s Gus feeling?” I asked.

I’d only met her a few times in passing since Nox—and her—insisted his work stay far, far from her. But just from the brief time, I knew I liked her. And I liked the changes she brought without even knowing it.

“She’s good. Missing her wine, sore, and, most nights, her and her dog are asleep on the couch by eight, but she’s good.” He looked proud as hell, likely because he had his baby growing in her and because he bent over backward to make sure she was happy.

“Glad she’s handling the pregnancy well,” I said.

“Like a fookin’ champ.” His grin fell as his expression returned to his usual guardedly blank. “I’ll be in touch. Keep the lass with you until we know she’s not in danger—or bringing danger.”

I lifted my chin, coming out of my skin with impatience for answers… and to get back to her.

I started for the door before Nox called out, “Judge.” When I turned, he didn’t hesitate to lay it out like he always did. “This shit you pulled today… I’m not gonna say I don’t get it, because I sure as fook do. I’ll have your back, but if she’s just an innocent lass and it blows up in your face—”

“I don’t know you, never seen you, you’ve got nothin’ to do with it.”

“Hope for everyone’s sake she’s who she says she is. You’re already half off your nut for her. You’ll be a real fookin’ header if she’s Nash’s.”

She’s no one’s.

No one but mine.

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