Page 10 of Until Mayhem

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“Why’d she buy cat food?”

“Dunno. Boyfriend has one?”

The road rash burn of jealousy ate at me.

My face must’ve shown it because Jury started chuckling. “Man, whatever has your balls in a vice, I hope it keeps up. This is the most entertainment I’ve had in months.”

Walking from the room, I flipped him off over my shoulder.

But, if my balls in a vice meant Ophelia was still with me, I hoped it kept up, too.


“Are you fookin’ thick?” Nox asked, lighting a cigar.

“You’re quitting,” one of his men, Beck, reminded him, snatching it from his mouth and dropping it into a glass of water.

Nox shrugged, pulling another one from his pocket and lighting it. “That was before this fookin’ bastard strolled in here and casually announced he’d kidnapped a poor lass ‘cause he’s off his fookin’ nut.”

Jury and I had been working with Nox in some capacity since we were all in high school. One of our buddies had run with him, boosting prescription meds for people who hadn’t been able to afford them. When they’d had big shipments that needed more hands, Jury and I had helped.

A lot of years and bullshit later, he still called us when needed and we did the same.

After our meeting with everyone to go over the next couple of team jobs, Nox, Beck, Jury, and I had gone to his office where I’d told him about Ophelia.

He hadn’t shot me or thrown something at me, so it’d gone better than expected.

“Temporarily restrained,” I corrected. “And she might not be so innocent. It’s pretty fuckin’ coincidental that she was tailing us the same day her place got hit. But it makes sense if she’s working for Nash.”

Arms crossed, Beck muttered, “Still doesn’t mean you throw her in the back of the damn van.”

“That’s impressive. You’ve got the man who gets wood from fire fookin’ judging your dating technique.” Nox took a long drag of his cigar before scowling and dumping it into the glass with the other one. He pulled a few loose ones from his pocket and grabbed a wooden box, tossing them to Beck.

“Gus put her foot down?” Jury asked, referring to Nox’s wife.

Nox shook his head, grinning. “She misses the smell, but my baby’s in her, breathing in what she does. Not to mention, I’ll be fookin’ damned if I do shit that’s gonna kill me and take me away from her even a day earlier. It’s time to quit.”

Some men might say that kind of thinking made Nox pussy whipped.

Those men would have to have a death wish to say it to his face.

He wouldn’t deny he was whipped, but he was still a crazy bastard and insulting him would take massive balls.

“About the lass,” he continued, getting us back on track, “what’s she look like?”

Thinking of Ophelia, I spoke automatically, saying too much but not giving a damn. “Shit-ton of blond hair, big gray eyes. Tiny thing, but a big fuckin’ attitude. Like a princess who’d use her tiara to saw your dick off if you looked at her wrong.” I shrugged. “Doesn’t rule anything out since Nash has girls of every size, shape, and flavor.”

“I don’t give a flying fook about Nash. His motives are always the same—money. But now yours are making more sense. A bonny lass will make a lad do some fookin’ fool shit.”

Pulling out my phone, I bit out, “I’ll tell Haze to drop her back off if it’ll get everyone off my sack.”

“Nah, you won’t,” Nox called my bluff before moving on. “Dair is flying in,” he checked his watch, “in about two hours. Give me the address, and I’ll put him on it, see if he can find what they were searching for.”

Tossing him her keys, I gave him her address, the store name, and where she’d parked. “Have him search and move her car before it raises a red flag.”

“Got it. I’ll start looking into her tonight.”

If Nox is looking, he’ll find out everything down to her first-grade teacher’s name.

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