Page 53 of Vicious Tycoon

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“What are you going to do now? You’re at my mercy,” he rasped in my ear, thrusting his dick into my ass. “You feel that? That’s not me scared of you, Bay. That’s me hard for you. Wanting to fuckyouraw. Not so tough now, yeah? Not when my cock is between your ass cheeks. You said you wanted a piece of me. Is it everything you imagined it’d be? Or is it too big for that pretty tight pussy?”

My mouth suddenly felt dry, battling my mind over what my body craved. I hated losing. Needless to say, my mind trumped my body, and when I felt him loosening his hold around my neck, I sprang into action. Choosing to win, I crouched low to the ground to break out of his hold and gripped his arm before swiftly stepping behind him. In one quick motion, I kicked his legs out from under him, and he instantly fell backward onto the mat with an oomph.

I smiled, hovering above him. “The bigger they are, the harder they fall.” All proud of myself, I straddled his waist, leaning forward until I was close to his mouth. Breathing out against his lips, I said, “Not so tough when your ass is on the ground.”

He scoffed. “Where’d you learn how to do that?” Mirroring the proud expression on my face.

“My last movie.” I smiled wider. “I do all my own stunts. I told you, I’m a ninja turtle.”

The last word barely left my mouth before he rapidly flipped me over, and now I was the one under him.

I gasped, surprised by the turn of events. His body was between my legs, with his cock pressing into my core. His right leg was hitched against my ass, and the other stretched out behind him. One hand gripped my left thigh up to his hip, and the other was around the back of my neck, locking me firmly into the mat with his weight.

Looking deep into my eyes, he spanked me hard.

“What th?—”

“I let you take me down.” His thumb started to caress my cheek as he rubbed the tip of his nose against mine.

The scent of mint and Aires assaulted my senses, causing a wave of sensations.

I smirked despite the urgency running at lightning speed through my body. “Oh yeah?”

He nodded, never letting up on grazing my nose with his. “Yeah.” He mischievously grinned.

I didn’t have a clue how he could say something so dirty but make it sound like he was reciting poetry. My thighs clenched, and my face felt on fire, igniting his flame to keep going.

He pointed out, “I love that shade of red on you. Are you ready for me, Bay? You think you can take me?”

My heart drummed so fast, I swear he could hear it, feeling it against his chiseled chest. He pulled me closer by the crook of my neck as if I wasn’t already close enough, pinned beneath him.

“So not only are we not going to talk about last night… we’re also going to ignore what just happened with B. Night?”

“I like the talking we’re doing right now. Last night is handled.”

“And how much did that cost you?”

He shrugged. “If it means I get to stay on top of you and not have the world ride my ass for it.” He didn’t waver in adding…

“It wasn’t nearly enough.”



“Robert,I already told you… I still don’t know,” I reminded my agent for what felt like the hundredth time that day.

I’d been working nonstop for the past three weeks since we began production. Add in the grueling hours of filming to promote my new perfume launching in the fall to the photo shoots for my next designer collaboration because I was the new face for their spring campaign, and now, he wanted to throw another job into the mix.

It was taxing. As much as I didn’t want to admit it to Robert, that was exhausting.

“Bailey, what’s keeping you in LA once we wrap this movie?”

Having to deal with him in my trailer during my lunch hour instead of taking a much-needed break from yet another meeting he wanted to have was wearing me down. Besides, I wanted to spend time with Aires after this movie was over, and I couldn’t do that if Robert threw me right back into another film.

“Oh, I don’t know… maybe I want to go on vacation or something?” I sarcastically stated the truth, knowing Robert was the main reason I hadn’t in years.

I brushed past him, walking over to the fridge to grab a bottle of water and some Tylenol. My head was already pounding from this exchange I didn’t want to have to begin with.

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