Page 110 of Vicious Tycoon

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“I’m sorry. I’ll never intervene again.”

“Like I could ever trust you? Are you for real?”

“Robert, you need to go,” Capri ordered.

“I’ve made you a very wealthy man through the years, and you still rode me like a horse. Never giving me time off.”

His stare dilated as he snapped, “If I would have known you’d been riding his cock duringThe Kids Club, I would have let producers ride you too!”

The words, “Aires, no!” flew out of my mouth right when he sprang into action with fury coursing through my veins.

Aires’s fist was in Robert’s face, practically knocking him out from one hell of a right hook that would make my uncle Luke proud. In two strides, Aires bent down and picked him up off the ground by the lapels of his suit jacket.

“Aires, stop!”

He didn’t let up.

His chest heaved.

His nostrils flared.

He was too far gone.

With a murderous Rage, Aires kneed him in the stomach, then punched him in the face.

“Aires!” Thomas hollered. “That’s enough!”

With wide eyes, I waited for my family to make their presence known.

“That’s for using her!”

Hit to the jaw.

“That’s for lying to her!”

Hit to the nose.

“That’s for leaking our personal information that you had no right to!”

I didn’t know what was worse—seeing Aires kick Robert’s ass or hearing what he spewed at him.

“And that’s for betraying her trust!”

He only stopped his vicious assault, living up to his name of Vicious Tycoon when my grandpa and uncle Luke came barreling down the beach, hearing the commotion. My heart pounded in my chest, and I swear I stopped breathing.

Uncle Luke got right up in between them without giving it a second thought. He took one look at Aires and then back at Robert, and it was instant for him. It was when I realized that Uncle Luke could read people like the back of his hand, immediately making me question how he had that ability.

He got in Robert’s face. “You back the fuck up if you know what’s good for you.” Uncle Luke eyed him up and down with a threatening regard.

Grandpa scoffed, matching their intense stares. “This isn’t the time or the place.”

Uncle Luke barked, “Since when do you give a shit about time and place?” Tearing his attention back to Robert, he warned, “Me and you don’t have any problems. If you want to keep it that way, I highly suggest you make yourself scarce before I…” He nodded to Aires. “Let this man do it for you.”

Robert spit up blood, weakly trying to stand upright until he did. Barely standing on his own two feet.

Once he was, I spoke with conviction…

“You’re fucking fired.”

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