Page 7 of I'm Sorry, Daddy

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Defiance flashes in her blue eyes, but she bites her bottom lip and clenches her thighs tight, squeezing another groan out of me.

“Fuck, sweetheart. Don’t do that either or I’ll cum inside you.” I shouldn’t be on the verge of cumming at all. I should be flaccid and horrified at what I’m doing, running for the tallest building in the city so I can throw myself off of it.

Then the little brat does it again, and some of my earlier anger at her behavior returns. Without consciously thinking about it, I lift off her back, snap my hips back until just the head of my cock is still buried in her wet heat, and drive my hips forward until they bounce off her sweet ass. She cries out, but then she does it again when I come to a halt, breathing hard to get myself under control.

“You fucking…beautiful…precious…little brat. Is this what you want?” I growl, withdrawing and slamming into her again, driving her small body forward on the mattress until her feet hang off the floor. “You want Daddy to lose his mind and cum in your virgin cunt?”

Fuck, that shouldn’t be so hot.

The words coming out of my mouth are wretched. I’ve never spoken to a woman like this, and it’s made all the worse by slipping up and calling myself Daddy while I fuck my daughter. She might not be mine by blood, but she’s mine in every other way that counts.

“Yes, Daddy! I want you to cum in me!”

Bliss and euphoria at hearing those sweet, dirty little words—words I’ve been waiting and wanting to hear from her mother for so many years—have my balls drawing up tight, ready to unload in her hot pussy. Still, I hold on to a shred of my sanity even as I start pumping in and out of her at an increasingly frantic pace.

“You don’t know what you’re saying. What would happen if I—you can’t possibly—”

“Yes, I do! I know you want kids of your own, and Mom wouldn’t give them to you. But I will. I’ll make it all better.”

“Oh, sweetheart, no.” It takes every ounce of willpower I possess to pull out of her. I pull her up off the bed and spin her around to face me, then gather her to my chest, careful not to put any pressure on her injury as I wrap my arms around her. I press a kiss to her forehead when she tips her head back and whisper, “You don’t need to ‘make it all better’, Tina. Certainly not by fucking me and getting…getting pregnant.”

I can’t believe what I’m saying when I’ve desperately wanted kids for so long. Here’s a sweet, young thing who I love most in the world, even if I haven’t always acted like it, who is willingly offering up her fertile pussy. And what do I do? Yank my cock out and tell her no.

Tina’s hand slips between us, and she grips my cock coated in her cum and steaks of her virgin blood. She roughly pumps my shaft up and down, making my toes curl in my boots.

“I overheard you, you know? Fighting with Mom about having kids. I know she told you that you could start trying as soon as you got married, but she never wanted any more after having me.”

I rear back, though not far enough away to pull out of her warm, slick fist. “She told you that?”

Sorrow, and also a little contrition, flashes in her eyes. “She said that having me almost ruined her sanity, and she wasn’t going to let it happen again. She did love you, I think, back then. She was scared you were going to leave her, so she lied about wanting more kids.”

Chapter 5


I should have known better. Should have pressed Sara more for answers when she wouldn’t tell me why she didn’t want to go to a fertility doctor after years of trying and failing to get pregnant. She was probably on the pill or birth control shot the whole damn time we were together. So many wasted years arguing about children until I gave up on ever having them.

I think that’s when our problems really began. I resented her for not wanting to try every avenue to get pregnant when she knew how badly I wanted a bigger family, and she got tired of me pressing the issue and my building resentment.

We were doomed from the start, and I was such a fool, letting our lives spiral out of control instead of amicably parting ways before we turned into the cold, bitter people we are now.

But I couldn’t bring myself to leave her, not when it meant I would lose Tina too.

While all of this is running through my head at warp speed, Tina shuffles back onto the bed. I have to grip myself tight to hold back from cumming on the floor when she lays herself flat on the mattress, pulls her knees up and out, and says, “I want a family, too, you know?”

There’s a vulnerability to her words, and it’s then I’m hit with the realization of just how fucking selfish I have been. I’ve been so focused on my problems with Sara and with money that I—just like her mother did—put Tina and her feelings on the back burner. As much as I love her, I’ve never once considered how she must feel having us as parents.

It was just the two of them from the very beginning, up until they met me. No doting grandparents, no aunts or uncles or cousins to spend time with. How lonely must she have been when I stopped taking her and her mother out to do fun things as a family, like going to the movies, spending a lazy day at the lake, or even something as simple as going out for a quick bite to eat together? How lonely must she have been with her mother out doing god knows what with god knows who while I was at work?

And now that I’m really thinking about it with a clear head, I think that’s when her behavior changed from sweet to sour. When I gave her the credit card, I almost immediately dropped out of her life, spending all my free time at work. Yes, I needed to do it to keep up with the credit card payments, but it also provided an excuse to stay out late so I wouldn’t have to face Sara and our mounting problems at home. That’s when Tina started coming home nearly every day with a new shopping bag, her clothes getting smaller and more revealing, and her bratty attitude growing more obnoxious.

And all those times when she asked me if I wanted to see what she bought? When she would giggle and ask me if I wanted her to put on a fashion show like she did when she was younger and had just bought a fancy, new dress for an event at school…How many times did I make an excuse or simply walk out of the room instead of doing the responsible thing by setting boundaries, teaching her about budgeting, or even just giving her a modicum of my attention?

Because that’s what she really wanted…the attention I used to give her when she was younger, especially since she wasn’t getting any from her mother.

I’ve been a fool in more ways than one, and I have so much to apologize for. Later, though. Because right now, when she says, “I want you, Daddy. I want to give you everything Mom wouldn’t,” her words, as sickening as I should find them, spur me on. I unlace and kick off my boots, then step out of my jeans and boxers.

Her mother increasingly complained about how much weight I gained after I quit going to the gym. The more our problems built up, the crueler she was when she was shooting me down, turning me away more and more often as my stomach grew softer until I eventually gave up on that too. But Tina is looking at me with wide-eyed wonder and lust as I stroke my shaft and climb onto the bed. I’ve never felt sexier in all my life, even though I’m sure I look like an ogre compared to this small, gorgeous woman.

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