Page 37 of The Sexy Enemy

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“Each one has been a sellout, and this is not going to be any different,” Natalia reassures her.

Then Yvette’s eyes land on me. “Hi, I’m Alessandro Conti, Natalia’s husband,” I say, introducing myself to her. Her brown eyes widen with surprise before she turns to Natalia.

“Surprise. I’m assuming you didn’t see the articles?” Natalia grins, looking uncomfortable at the revelation.

“I’ve been busy with the launch,” Yvette states, looking between the two of us trying to work out what’s going on. “Congratulations,” she says, giving Natalia a hug, and then giving one to me. “Think this calls for champagne,” she says, and her assistants nod and run out of the room to get it. “I, wow, I had no idea.”

“No one did, they got married in Vegas,” Dom explains.

“Because of who our families are, we knew they wouldn’t approve of the two of us so we have been seeing each other in secret until we couldn’t anymore, and we got married the other week in Vegas,” I explain, reciting the same words Natalia used in her article.

“How romantic.” Yvette grins.

“Very,” I agree, wrapping my arm around Natalia and pulling her into my side so I can kiss her temple. “I’m one lucky man,” I tell her, which pulls an awe from her lips, just as an assistant returns with glasses and a bottle of champagne which is poured and handed to us. “Congratulations to one of the most amazing women I know. You deserve all the happiness in the world,” Yvette says, holding up her glass before we drink.

I’m ushered to a chair in the corner while Natalia, Yvette, and Dom do their thing. Not sure what is happening, but I sit and watch as Natalia walks out in a gorgeous aquamarine evening dress. It’s sheer with long sleeves, covered in sequins as if they were fish scales all over her body, with a slit that reaches her hip. Her dark hair is pulled into a tight, high ponytail as she walks past me sashaying as if she’s on a catwalk. I don’t realize I’m staring until Dom says something.

“Natalia could make a potato sack look sexy, don’t you think?” he asks.

“She’s a beautiful woman, that’s for sure,” I agree as she smiles and starts to talk to the camera. I watch as she poses and talks about every detail of the dress.

“Not only is she beautiful on the outside, but she is as beautiful on the inside. Most people think that because she’s a princess, she would be a snob or think she’s better than everyone else, but that girl is the most genuine person I know. She is ride-or-die for her friends and her family, and would do anything for them. Once you’ve made it into her inner circle you’re there for life. Guess you’ve made it,” Dom says, turning and looking down at me.

“Is this the bit where you say, if you hurt her, you’ll kill me?” I ask him.

“That’s exactly what I’m saying. I owe the world to that girl, and I will not let someone use her for their own gain.”

I swallow. This man sees more than I think he has, but maybe there’s a reason why Natalia hasn’t filled him in on her plan, especially if he’s as close to her as he says he is. “You think I’m using her?”

He shrugs. “Not sure yet, but something doesn’t add up.”

“You think I’m not good enough for her?” I ask.

“Monetarily wise, I think you’re rich enough that I know you’re not after her money, but I also know you have had a reputation and you’re older than her.”

“Things change, people grow,” I tell him.

“That is true. Guess I’ll just have to wait and see,” he warns me.

“Guess you will,” I add as Natalia steps away from the camera and starts walking toward us with a frown firmly pulled on her face.

“Everything okay here?” she asks, looking between the two of us.

“Just getting to know your friend,” I answer.

She turns and looks over at Dom and silently questions him. “Same,” he answers, but she doesn’t look convinced. “Come on, we need to get you onto the next look,” Dom says, changing the subject. She gives me one last confused look before following her friend back toward the dressing room.

Pulling up my phone, I send a text message to Nico.

Alessandro: Hey, need a favor. Can you investigate Domingo, Natalia’s stylist and friend, for me?

Nico: Sure. Why?

Alessandro: Curious, that’s all.

Nico: Okay.

Nico: And why the hell are you in Paris?

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