Page 10 of The Sexy Enemy

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This can’t be happening. There is no way in hell that Natalia Fiorenzo is staring wide-eyed back at me. How much have I had to drink, am I seeing things? What is she doing in Vegas?

“Babe?” the man asks Natalia.

Those sapphire-blue eyes dart to mine, and I can see it written all over her face as she contemplates who is the lesser of the two evils in this moment. Look, I hate the girl with every fiber of my body because she’s a fucking Fiorenzo, but I’m not that much of an asshole that I want something untoward to happen to her. I’m still a decent human being.

“I’m so happy to see you,” she says as she rushes toward me. The next thing I know, she is grabbing my face and kissing me.

What the hell is happening? And why am I kissing her back?

“Fucking prick tease,” the man grumbles before I hear him storm away.

My back hits the wall as she pushes me up against it. Who knew the little Fiorenzo was so aggressive? I like it. Her lips duel with mine. She tastes like sugar and berries. Is it her lip gloss or is it her? My hands run down the curves of her body instinctively until they land on her peachy ass, my fingers digging into her softness as I grip and pull her into me.

What universe did I fall into? There’s no way in this world that I am kissing Natalia Fiorenzo.

“What the fuck,” she curses, pulling herself away from me with a sour look on her face.

“I could ask you the same fucking thing,” I bite back.

She wipes her mouth and screws up her face. “You kissed me.”

Wait, what?

“You were the one that kissed me first, I just went with it.”


I blink at her as I try to shake the alcoholic haze from my mind. “I don’t know why,” I answer. I run my fingers through my hair as I take in the enemy. My father would have a field day if he knew I made out with a Fiorenzo, he’d probably have a heart attack.

My eyes slide from her face down her body, taking in the familiar tight red dress molded to her curves, luscious, plump breasts peeking out the top. My eyes land on her arm, it’s red from the fingers that stranger had on her, and my body stiffens. She may be the enemy, but even she doesn’t deserve a man to touch her like that. Without even thinking, I reach out to grab her arm. She gasps as my fingers wrap around it and assess what the asshole did to her.

“He fucking bruised you.”

She tugs her arm from me and rubs it, emotion glistening in her eyes. “I know.”

“What the hell were you thinking?” I question her angrily. If I hadn’t noticed what was going on with her, something far worse could have happened.

“You think I wanted him?” she splutters at me.

“He sure as hell thought so.” My words are like a slap in her face and honestly, I didn’t mean them. This isn’t her fault, it’s that asshole’s, but I’m not thinking clearly.

“Fuck you,” she says, pointing her finger in my face. I notice the red polish on her long nails. They would look good wrapped around my dick. Wait a minute, where the hell did that thought come from?

“No, fuck you. Do you have any idea what that man could have done to you if I didn’t come along?” I yell at her.

She slinks back at the force of my voice as tears well in her eyes. All the bravado I had is starting to crack. “I know, thank you,” she says quietly.

I still.

It’s not common for a Fiorenzo to apologize, and especially not to a Conti.

“Are you okay?” I ask, looking again at the marks the man left on her. She rubs her arm as she nods, but I can tell she’s shaken up. “Why didn’t you knee him in the fucking balls?”

“Because he … he … I don’t know. I’ve had a lot to drink, I wasn’t thinking. He seemed harmless. He’s well-dressed and in the VIP area,” she answers, and the first tear slides down her cheek as realization sinks in that the shiny exterior that man showed her easily hid the monster underneath.

“Do you think every handsome man is harmless?” I yell at her.

She shakes her head. “You’re sure as hell not.” I still at her words. “Harmless, not handsome,” she adds quickly.

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