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I nodded as if he could see me through the phone. “Yeah, I’m here. What’s happening?”

“One of Vince’s men cornered Trev and Jeremiah outside the hospital.”

Hospital. Why had they gone to the hospital? “What–”

“Trev says they took Jeremiah. He passed out before he could say more, but he had an ultrasound picture on him. Jeremiah’s pregnant.”

The world slowed to a crawl as the sound of blood pounded in my ears. My pregnant mate was in the hands of my sadistic brother?

"I'm going back to my house.” I pointed the car toward the highway and hit the gas.

“This could be a trap," Andro said. "Come back here so we can figure out a plan. If they do truly have Jeremiah–”

“No, I’m going there. I won’t let Vince have him for even a second longer than necessary.”

Andro remained silent, so I hung up the phone and headed home. I broke several laws on my way, but I didn’t care. The more police that followed me there, the better.

I wasn't even sure if I turned the car off after I shoved it into park and got out before I burst through the front door.

Cord was walking down the staircase as I entered. "He's in the living room.”

“He's here? He's okay?"

Cord nodded but grabbed my arm before I could go toward the room. "Look, man, hold yourself together. If Vince knows how much Jeremiah means to you, he becomes a pawn, not just for you, but for the Ferrinis as well."

I shook his hand off and glared at him. "What the fuck do you know about these things?"

"More than you think. I don't want Vince in power any more than you do."

I narrowed my eyes. Earlier I’d wondered if I could trust him, but now that Jeremiah's life was on the line, I wasn’t sure which way to lean.

"Trust me,” Cord said. “If you want to take Vince down, I’ll support you in that all the way. But we've got to be smart. Vince is deadly, and he’ll take all of us out. Family means nothing to him."

There was a story there, I knew it. But at that moment, I couldn't bring myself to care. I nodded and made my way to the sitting room.

Jeremiah was on the plush leather sofa and his hands, arms, and shirt were covered in blood. He had been crying at some point, but now, he just glared daggers at Vince, who sat across from him with a wicked smirk on his face.

"What the fuck, Vince?" I stood between the two men, ready to step in front of Jeremiah if needed but not giving away my allegiance quite yet.

"I'm glad you could join us, Fee. Cord ratted me out, didn’t he? You would have figured out that I took your new boyfriend if you had just gone straight back to the Ferrinis’ house. What did you do, get lost in your bookstore?"

"Fuck off." Was I truly that predictable? So much so that it could have gotten Jeremiah hurt or worse. “We had a plan.”

"What does it matter if I waited for you to turn him over or if I captured him myself? Hell, I probably had him tied up in the back of a car before you even left here this morning."

"Why did you take him at all? You need to let him go or you’re gonna have Andro, Louie, and Orsino coming down on all of us within the hour."

"Let them." He laughed, almost giddy at the idea. "I have this place locked down tighter than Fort Knox. They can’t get through. Besides, you think they’d leave their own little omegas unprotected just to come for their brother? Not a chance."

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I was finally seeing him for the monster he had become. He had always been an asshole, but now, he was truly deranged beyond comprehension.

“Nothing. We finally have someone leading this family with the balls to do what our father should have done. Their territory should be ours."

I met Jeremiah's gaze. "Are you hurt?" I wanted to go to his side, to comfort him, but if Vince knew I cared, then we’d never get away. He couldn’t find out how much Jeremiah meant to me.

He shook his head. "This is Trev's blood. They shot him. I don't know if he's…”

“He's probably dead, little omega." Vince leaned forward and pulled a decanter of whiskey off the table to refill his glass.

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