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"Well, pick him up, Trev." Joey chuckled. "You heard Andro, no shop talk. That means you're off-duty."

"I'm never off-duty." Trev leaned over and picked up the baby. Oddly enough, the tough alpha looked pretty cute holding a child in his arms.

Later that night, my brothers didn’t protest when Felik returned to my suite with me. Nor did they post a guard. At least, not one that I could see. It was possible they had eyes on all exits so they would know if Felik tried to leave the house, but they apparently trusted that he wouldn’t harm me.

Felik held me in his arms, my back to his chest as we lay together naked in my bed.

“Tell me about growing up with your family.” I dragged my fingertips up his arm, over his round muscles.

Families were a subject neither of us had spoken much about since we began dating, but we could talk freely now.

Felik let out a long sigh. “Probably not unlike how you grew up, except my brothers–mostly Vince–didn’t like me. Cord was all right, now that I think of it. But I was always the outsider. I lived in a separate wing of the house, I was sent to separate schools. The only thing we learned together was how to fight.”

“Like what?”

“Boxing, mixed martial arts, stuff like that. We spent so many hours at the range learning to shoot. Vince liked that the most.”

“What about you? What did you like the most?” I couldn’t imagine Felik enjoying the violence like his brother.

“Surprisingly enough, I enjoyed learning hand-to-hand combat. Knife fighting. There was a business associate of my father who taught us how to use blades. Vince didn’t like it because he said he’d never let an enemy get that close. I loved it because I knew just how close my true enemies were.”

I turned in his arms to face him. “Not now they aren’t.”

He grinned. “No, now they’re not.”

“Even though there are many more activities I prefer over fighting, I did enjoy–and excel at–Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Maybe I could show you some moves.” I ground my hips into his. “It’s where I learned to be so flexible.”

Felik groaned. “Omega, the ways in which you tempt me…”



With great reluctance, I pressed a kiss to my mate's forehead and then slipped out of bed before I turned to walk away.

Jeremiah reached out and gripped my wrist. "Don't go." His sleepy voice did something to my insides. If this meeting wasn’t incredibly important, I would have done exactly what he asked and climbed back into bed with him.

"I have to." I leaned down and gave him a kiss on the lips. “I’ll be back soon.”

"It's too early." His words were more mumbles, but I knew what he meant.

I chuckled at how groggy he always was until he’d had a full eight hours of sleep. "It is early, but if we were at home right now, you would be getting up for your Econ class."

Andro insisted that we stay a while longer, so our weekend trip had expanded into a full week. They were able to work their magic to get Jeremiah excused from his classes, so we spent our week lazing about the huge house they all lived in, playing with his nephews, and swimming in the pool.

While Jeremiah stayed current on his classwork, I met with his brothers to learn about their side of the business. They didn't completely trust me, but we were getting closer.

Our nights were spent with the two of us chatting and making love until the early morning hours. Now that we could be completely honest with one another, it opened up an entirely new side to our relationship.

Today, I had to meet with Vince to convince him that I was going to hand over Jeremiah soon. The Ferrinis had concocted a plan in which I would feed Vince information to gain his trust so we could wait a little longer before he went after Jeremiah.

I wasn’t looking forward to the meeting. It was necessary for the next step of our plan. If I waited too long to give my brother something, he might retaliate in a different way, and we didn’t need that.

"I'll see you soon."

Jeremiah’s lips turned down in a pout, and it was nearly my undoing. "I really think you should take a guard with you."

"I can't, love. If I take a guard, my brother will be suspicious."

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