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"We were playing with you. And eventually, you did get to have the candy. All the candy." He blew out his cheeks to hint at my roly-poly stage. Whatever, I was a cute baby.

Louie perked up. "Remember when Jeremiah was sick for some sort of summer party we were having? We had all been looking forward to it for weeks because they had events for kids. Then Jeremiah got the flu, and we couldn't go."

"I do remember that.” The core memory was slowly unlocking in my mind. “You guys sat outside my door since Dad didn't want you in there with me so you wouldn't get sick, but none of you attended the party."

Louie smiled. "Oh, we attended the party long enough to steal the piñata, and when your stomach was feeling better, we tore it open and ate everything inside."

My eyes widened. "Yeah, yeah. I remember that! Dad was so mad. We hid that thing in my room for weeks before the housekeeper found it."

"I don't think he was mad… I think he was kind of proud of us." Andro laughed and looked fondly at his little boy. "We snuck into a party being attended by some of the greatest names in crime and thievery and managed to steal a piñata—a very expensive, very large pinata—and get it back up into your room without anyone seeing or suspecting us. They didn't find it until weeks later."

"You guys were kinda badass." I didn’t say it often, but I did have really great brothers. I wouldn’t want anyone else in my corner when push came to shove. Except now, I needed Felik in my corner as well. Based on the fact that he was there with us, in my brothers’ sacred space, a future with all of us united as one family, was looking good.

Louie glanced down at his own son playing, and a look of horror came over his face. "Do you think these ones will get into as much trouble as we did?"

I laughed loudly. “Definitely.”

Connor and Joey just smiled, but it quickly turned into horror as they realized what they were in for. The pranks, the shenanigans, the absolute insanity that came along with being a child in the Ferrini home.

"Oh, I'm sure they will. They'll keep us on our toes. This is why I think we should shield them from the family business until they're at least thirty-five." Andro chuckled and put a hand on Joey’s shoulder in a loving gesture.

Joey leaned into the touch so that Andro’s hand was caressing his cheek. Then Joey’s eyes fluttered closed.

My heart melted. To see my brother so utterly in love and being loved in return gave me hope. I too could have that. With Felik.

"You may have a point, Brother." Louie blew out a slow breath. “I already feel too old for this shit.”

I sank back into Felik’s embrace, and he put a hand over my stomach. There wasn't a child there that we knew of yet, but it was possible, and we both knew that we wanted one in the future. With a contented sigh, I imagined the look on my face was probably similar to Joey’s.

Love. Joy. Hope.

"The two of you really ought to get married," Andro said.

Joey swatted his leg. "No shop talk in the baby room."

"Is that a real rule?" I asked.

"Yes," both omega dads said quickly.

"If we let them, those two would talk shop all the time. And when you have Trev around," Joey indicated to the guard at the door, "or any of the others, it gets downright depressing. Throw your father into the mix and the great-uncles—we can't get away from it. So this room is a safe room."

"Safe room?" Andro said, looking at the walls. "That's not a bad idea." He snapped his fingers. "Trev, make a note that we should look into making this a safe room. Something where we could hit a button and everything is secure. Like with bulletproof shields on the windows, bars on the doors, locks, that sort of thing."

"Sure thing." Trev pulled out his phone and started writing things down. "I'll get in contact with Sylvan. He's good with that stuff."


"What did I just say?" Joey said. "No shop talk."

"That's family safety talk, sweetheart."

Joey rolled his eyes. Little Theo toddled over to Trev. When the guard tried to sidestep away, the little one grabbed his pant legs and tugged.

"Uppy," he said.

Joey winced. "Yeah, 'Dada' and 'uppy' are his go-to words."

Trev looked around the room like he was lost.

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