Page 75 of Coming Home

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Zeke lets out a dry laugh. “I’m sorry. I was just getting to know you guys, and I didn’t know how to bring it up.”

“You know we wouldn’t judge you. You can have ten husbands and I would still love you and welcome them all with open arms,” she says with a soft look at my brother.

“I think I’m all the husband he could handle. No need to add more,” Dante says, making everyone laugh.

“I’m sorry for keeping it from everyone,” Zeke says, looking at my parents and then at Dani.

“You know I love you. No matter what. Dante seems like a great guy. He raced over as soon as the hospital called,” Dani tells him.

“Fuck brother. Don’t you dare do that shit again,” I rasp, feeling choked up that I almost lost him.

“I would do it again. You’re my brother,” he says, locking eyes with me.

“I would do it for you too,” I tell him.

“Hopefully we don’t have to deal with this shit again,” Dani says, breaking the silence in the room.

Everyone nods their heads in agreement, and we chat for a few more minutes before leaving to furnish our house.

I am hopeful that everything is going to work out.

Having Dani in my life has made me happier than I have ever thought possible.

She makes everything better.


It took a couple days, but we finally have the place furnished. We had already moved Dante and Zeke’s stuff into one of the guest bedrooms on the bottom floor.

Zane went ahead and got their stuff packed up and moved by calling a moving company who did everything for them. Zeke wasn’t in the best shape to travel or move, and Dante wasn’t ready to leave his side. I had one of the prospects take the keys and meet the movers out there to watch over everything.

I plan for Zeke and Dante to be here until Zeke is back on his feet, and they are ready to get their own place.

It had been so long since I had talked to my friends, Olivia and Katy. I decided to give them a call.

“It’s about time you called, you bitch,” Olivia’s voice says over the phone, making me smile.

“Sorry it has been really crazy here,” I tell her.

“Are you okay?” Katy asks with a wary voice.

“I’m fine. I actually found myself an old man,” I tell them with an excited voice.

“You’re an Old Lady!” Olivia practically screeches on the phone.

“I am. He’s amazing and actually ended up being Zeke’s biological brother,” I tell them.

They both gasp at my words. “No way! How did that happen?” Katy asks.

“They are twins! I couldn’t believe it when I walked into the club. I thought it was Zeke, but actually Zeke ended up being missing from the club for twenty-five years,” I start before proceeding to tell them the rest of the story.

“That’s insane how you guys became friends, and both actually ended up being part of the club. I guess things happen for a reason,” Katy says softly.

We talk about everything that has happened since I left, and Olivia tells me that she thinks Camilla, the girl who was a prisoner with us when we got kidnapped, may have caught Torch’s eye. Olivia thinks that they may have potential to be more.

Katy tells me how she has just been staying home since she has been having a lot of nightmares.

I feel bad for my friend. She seems to be handling everything worse than I thought. I feel like a terrible friend for not checking in on her before now.

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