Page 57 of Coming Home

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“Relax babe, they already love you,” Zane said as we were walking up to their house.

“I just feel bad we haven’t spent much time with them,” I mutter.

He squeezes my hand in reassurance. “They understand that. They know that you need to spend time getting to know your father, and then with your accident, I can’t even believe you would worry that they would think that. You have nothing to worry about. They should also know that I have been hogging you.”

We had been spending every moment we could together. I find myself wanting to know everything about him. He seemed to feel the same since we spent a lot of nights just asking each other questions.

We have gotten amazingly close. I’m now finding it hard to picture what my life was like without him. It’s crazy how important he has become to me.

Zeke has spent a lot of time with his mom and dad, since he basically moved in with them. I now see a light in his eyes that was never there before. I’m glad he gets to have this time with them.

We walk into the house. The smell coming from the kitchen makes me let out a groan.

“If dinner is as good as it smells…” I sigh dreamily.

Zane laughs at my face. “My mom is an amazing cook. The best; just don’t tell Mama I said that.”

“Don’t piss me off, and I won’t,” I tell him with a wink.

“I’ll remember that,” he says with a shudder.

When we get to the living room, my dad is sitting with Leon and is deep in conversation. “What took you so long?” Leon asks when he sees us.

“Had to drag this one through the door,” Zeke says with a chuckle, gesturing to me.

“Traitor,” I mouth to him.

“Oh, we aren’t that scary,” Leon says with a grin.

“Maybe right now. I’d hate to get on your bad side,” I whisper.

“Oh, you don’t need to worry about that. Zeke has told us a lot about you. It means a lot to us that he at least had you in his life. Even if you two didn’t know it, you both still had club around you by being with each other,” he says with a wave of his hand.

“It’s funny how that worked out. Two club kids who were lost to the club found each other and came back,” I say with a small smile.

“Your mom is in the kitchen with Carmen. They are finishing up dinner,” my dad informs me.

I head that way, practically running, making all of them chuckle.

“Hey mom, Carmen,” I say when I get into the kitchen.

“You got here just in time. Dinner is just about ready.” Carmen says with a smile.

I look over at the counter to see a huge roast with plenty of sides. “Do you need help? I can set the table.”

“That would be great,” Carmen says, and my mom smiles at me.

I set the table as they put out the dishes. Carmen grabs beers for everyone and a pitcher of water while I put glasses out.

The men come running when they hear the food is ready. It looks like a lot of food but, from the expressions on their faces, I could tell that they will be devouring most of it. They all take their seats with Leon at the head of the table, and my dad on the other end. Zane and Zeke leave a seat in between them for me to sit. I give them a nod as I help put the food on the table.

Just as I am walking to the table with the gravy boat, I stumble on nothing and unfortunately spill the whole thing.

That’s not the worst part. I manage to catch Leon with everything, and he stands up with a shout.

“Fuck!” he exclaims while ripping his gravy-soaked shirt off as I look at the now empty gravy boat with horror.

When I look up, I forget how to speak.

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