Page 1 of Coming Home

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Everything hurts. I can tell you that much before I open my eyes. I don’t remember a time my body ached this much. I try to wake myself up, but everything seems heavy and nothing will cooperate. I fall back into the darkness over and over again.

When I finally wake up, I feel intense pain in my head. I’m cold and my whole body is sore. There is something around my leg. When I manage to open my eyes, I see that I’m in some sort of dark and cold room. I turn my head to see a woman who looks like she has been put through a lot. I hear a whimper coming from beside me and gasp when I see that Katy is here too.

Everything comes back to me. We were run off the road and everything went black.

“What the fuck?” I whisper with my voice cracking from how dry my mouth is.

I try to get my foot out of the chain, but it doesn’t seem to be working; it’s on too tight.

“It’s no use. There are several guards outside, and they would drag you back and probably beat you for trying to escape,” the woman who I don’t know says, almost sounding bored.

“Why the fuck am I here?” I ask with a cry. Tears well in my eyes as I realise just how fucked I am right now.

“He said he was starting his collection. When they brought you in, he said it was only the beginning of new guests,” she says solemnly.

“I don’t know who would be after me. I have no enemies,” I say with a whimper. Who the fuck would want to hurt me?

The door opens before she can reply.

“Well look who’s finally awake,” an old man says. I narrow my eyes at him, hoping he doesn’t see my fear.

“Why am I here?” I ask, trying to sound strong. Hopefully he doesn’t notice the shakiness of my voice.

“You are one of my trophies; the other one was an unexpected surprise, but I’m sure we can make use out of her,” he states as he eyes Katy with hunger and evil in his eyes.

I freeze at his words. Fuck, he’s going to hurt Katy, and who knows what else he is going to do to her.

“I have no idea who you are. What kind of trophy?” I ask as panic crawls up my throat.

“My collection of MC princesses, of course,” he says before gesturing to his men to give us water and food. I don’t want to touch it, but my stomach growls at the thought of food.

I watch as the man places everything beside us. Then the older man points to the woman. “I need some relief,” he says, and one of his goons drags her out of here. She has a dead blank look on her face like this is her normal.

Fuck. There is no way I can let Katy turn out that way. I don’t know how I will begin to help her.

The days all mesh together, but eventually Krista, Ella, and Starla are all brought in. The MC princesses are very strong women and plan for Katy to get out so that she can disclose our location. It’s the only hope we’ve got; we know that the clubs have got to be looking for us all.

I’m still confused as to why I’m here. Katy ended up getting help and we were rescued, but I am unsure why I haven’t been able to leave the club yet. I have a feeling that the reason might be something that will change my entire life.

I am taken to see a man that I don’t know. He’s got salt and pepper hair, is definitely over six feet tall, and his leather cut reads ‘Devious Eagles MC, President.’

When they ask who my mother is, I tell them that her name is Robyn West. The man pales and I quickly realise who he must be. My father. The man my mother said she was protecting me from.

Why do I need protection from him? It doesn’t make any sense.

There is one thing I know about the Vicious Snakes, and it’s that they don’t associate themselves with bad clubs.

This just makes me question everything. Was everything she had ever told me a lie?

Currently, I am waiting for my mother to come here and explain herself. I have never felt so hurt and betrayed before. I didn’t think that my mother and I had any secrets from each other, but this is a big one. She always knew where my father was, and I could have gotten to know him this whole time. I know I need to hear her out, but I feel anger bubble from within just thinking about the life she kept me away from.

My father is here with one of his men named Knuckles. He came in case my father needed back up. They look pretty pissed right now. My mother will be here any minute.

When she knocks on the door at the Vicious Snakes club, I let her in. She smiles and gives me a hug when she sees me, but I barely return it. Noticing this, she pulls back and looks at me in confusion.

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