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She grins. “I’ll make sure Nurse Peters adjusts your meds. We can’t have you suffering.”

Seeing this girl again after a few years opens a gaping chasm in the pit of my stomach. Fire runs through my veins and my cock stirs and starts to thicken as I admire Harlow’s body. I bite the inside of my cheek hard enough that it makes me wince, trying to keep myself from getting the most awkward and uncomfortable fucking hard-on ever. Unable to stop it, I shift in the bed, trying to hide it, and clear my throat.

“When did you become a nurse?” I ask.

“Oh, I’m not a nurse yet,” she replies as she jots a few notes on my chart, then checks the machines standing sentinel next to me. “I’m still a student. But once I’m done with all my rotations and tests, I’ll be an RN.”

“Good for you, Harlow. That’s terrific. You’ve always been smart and driven. I knew you’d do something great with your life.”

Her cheeks redden, and she looks down at the chart. She looks up again, and when our eyes meet, it feels like somebody drove the breath from my lungs with a baseball bat to the midsection.

The feelings rage through my body unchecked, and I find myself fighting the desire to throw her down onto this bed and fuck her until she can’t see or walk straight. As inappropriate as it was while she was dating my son, I can’t deny that I’ve always been attracted to Harlow. I’ve always had my dirty little fantasies about her. And I’ve jerked myself off more than a few times with images of her in my mind.

“Thanks, Mr. Weston.”

“Jesus Christ, just call me Hunter. You’re making me feel old.”

Her laughter is a sound I could get used to hearing. The flash of her smile and that glittering sparkle in her eyes as she looks at me makes it impossible to keep my dick from stiffening. The effect she has on me is primal. Carnal. This girl has fueled more than a few fantasies, which is making being in the same room with her a bit difficult.

“So, anyway,” I say, trying to talk about something mundane, trying to stave off my erection. “What’s the diagnosis? Are you here to pull the plug?”

She laughs again. “Fortunately, your situation isn’t that dire. You’ve got a few broken ribs, a sprained wrist, and more bruises than we can count, but other than that, everything is superficial and will heal in a few days,” she tells me. “I’m sure you feel like hell but considering the fact that a building collapsed on you, you are really, really lucky you didn’t get seriously hurt.”

“I guess I should go buy a lottery ticket.”

“You might want to consider it,” she says without a trace of irony. “I mean, it was a building that fell on you, Mr. Weston?—”

“Hunter,” I cut her off. “And it was just what was left of the ceiling.”

“Oh, okay. That’s so much better,” she teases.

“It’s good to see you, Harlow.”

“It’s nice to see you too,” she says. “And I’m really glad you’re okay. The night you were brought in, it … it terrified me.”

Her words linger in the air, and when her eyes meet mine again, I feel that surge of electricity fire through my veins and run straight to my dick again. Nobody has ever had such a deeply primal impact on me. Ever. The moment between us stretches out, the silence filled with unspoken words and a silent longing so powerful, it seems to make the air between us vibrate. Harlow finally looks away, her cheeks flushing again.

“Anyway, I should get back to my rounds,” she says. “Let us know if you need anything, Mr. West—Hunter.”

“I will. Thanks.”

“Of course,” she says. “I’ll see you soon.”

Harlow's beautifully sparkling eyes linger on mine for several long beats, and my heart beats drunkenly in my chest. My groin tightens and my mouth is suddenly parched. I lick my dry lips and offer her a weak smile.

“I hope so,” I say.

Her smile is lopsided, and her cheeks turn a shade of red I’ve not seen before. Harlow turns and rushes out of the room, seemingly anxious to get away from me, though not for the same reasons Micah had hurried away. It’s only when the door closes behind her that I stop to wonder if she’d seen him when he was here. Or if he’d seen her. Their breakup had been anything but harmonious, and I knew, at least on Micah’s end, that there were still some hard feelings.

As awkward as things between Micah and I were already, I’m reminded of the fact that they can get even more awkward if he happens to be here when she stops by.

“Wonderful,” I mutter. “Just fucking wonderful.”



“Yeah, things can get pretty exciting in the ER sometimes, I’m not going to lie,” I tell him. “But, you know, not having a burning building fall on me is exciting.”

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