Page 111 of A Surprise For Sage

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She didn’t know that. She knew that Poppy had ideas and was working on them but not that they were made and shipped.

Ivy would be privy to those things over Sage though, being an assistant to the three sisters.

“I hope he likes them. Though the chances of the first things working are slim and none,” she said. “It’s almost unheard of to fall together that fast. There will always be tweaks to it.”

“I wouldn’t have realized that,” Ivy said. “Why?”

“Because a designer has a vision. And most times they are the only ones who see that vision. Even when they see it, it doesn’t mean they can produce it the way they want. So to get someone else to see it or have it come together the first time around is near impossible.”

“I guess that is what Poppy meant when she said she hoped they could get the revisions done in the next month or so.”

“Poppy would understand that,” she said. “What was it you wanted to meet about?”

“I want to do a spring fling sale. I know it’s months out, but I was thinking March. Lily said it’s a great idea. The only thing is I thought it’d be better to get rid of winter things to make room for spring stuff. So does spring fling sound right? Like fling it out to make room for stuff?”

Sage laughed at the look on Ivy’s face. “I like where you’re going. It’s almost like a spring cleaning sale.”

“That’s it,” she said. “Much better. I like that. Because it’s not going to be spring items on sale. It’d be cool to have a catchy floral saying or phrase.”

“I’m not sure spring cleaning sale is catchy in the way we want, but we can work on it. You’re good at coming up with things. We don’t want to advertise for it too soon or then people won’t pay full price now. It’s still winter and many are using Christmas money to buy items.”

“I know,” Ivy said. “I thought maybe give a sneak peek a day or so before but nothing more. I just wasn’t sure what items yet. We won’t know until we get closer anyway to see what is left.”

“That’s right,” she said. “And you know the best way to market it in the shop.”

Normally Ivy pulled items in the shop and marked them down, but that didn’t mean they were marked down online. The shop carried items not always online too.

“You’re great, Sage,” Ivy said. “I’m glad you were hired. I really am. I’m learning from you and love what you are doing here. It benefits us all.” Ivy stood up. “Don’t let what other people say bring you down. I was a champion of that for years. No more.”

“No more,” she said, smiling.

Though she wasn’t so sure she believed it.

She got up and shut her door, then called Kate to see if she’d pick up.

Kate answered on the third ring. “I heard Mateo can’t wait to get his package. It’s due today.”

Guess Kate knew from Mateo. “That is wonderful,” she said. “Ivy just told me a few things were sent this week.”

“You didn’t know?” Kate asked.

“No. I’d have no reason to. Ivy most likely took care of getting it sent and packaging it up just right. She’s good that way.”

“I thought for sure that is why you’d be calling,” Kate said. “What is going on?”

She sighed. “I got a few messages from Selena. Has anyone said anything to you there about your posts with me in them?”

Kate started to laugh. “Yep. And I gave them all shit. Told them they don’t know what they lost when they pushed you out.”

She grinned, but it was forced. “You don’t need to fight my battles.” It might be the first time Kate said something that she was aware of and Sage didn’t want her friend going out on a limb at this point. Or for no reason.

“I’m not fighting yours. I’m fighting them for everyone that gets shit on. Not just you. Other people have gone through it too. Enough is enough. They lost a good thing with you. We won’t even get into the real reason you left.”

“Because they pushed me out,” she argued.

“You were embarrassed over what Henry did and that everyone found out. You felt like a fool and I would have too. You ran because of him and the crap being said about it. Be honest.”

It hurt to hear exactly what she felt even if she did admit she ran.

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