Page 110 of A Surprise For Sage

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Blossoms was thriving. Her bosses were over the moon at how much their following had increased on all social media platforms.

She knew all of that because she was managing it as part of her job.

Between what Harmony had done during the Holly Bloom Foundation and then what Kate had posted at the same time frame with Mateo, their hits had exploded.

She’d put a few posts out a week giving hints of future products and events. It wasn’t hard for people to put it together if they knew Kate and her. They’d know where she worked and what she was doing.

She supposed it was too much to hope that those people would just leave her alone, but she knew some of it was probably jealousy.

“What’s wrong?”

She looked up to see Ivy standing in her doorway. “Nothing,” she said.

“You’re frowning at your phone,” Ivy said, moving in and sitting down. “Do you have a few minutes to go over some things?”

“I do,” she said and put her phone down. It went off again and she didn’t want to look but did. It was another message from Selena. She’d ignore it for now.

“You’re upset,” Ivy said. “I can see it. Anything I can help you with?”

Sage let out a big sigh. “Just someone from my old job raining on my parade.”

“Screw them,” Ivy said. “They are just jealous they lost you.”

“I doubt that,” she said.

“Can I ask what it’s about?”

“Nothing more than comments that I’m riding on Kate’s back. I had that said to me a lot at my last job.”

“I know what that is like,” Ivy said. “When I wanted to move here, I had no job. I just needed to be on my own, but then not really. I had to move out of my grandparents’ home to just grow up and asked Jasmine if I could come here.”

“You came here with no job?” she asked. She couldn’t imagine doing that.

“I did,” Ivy said. “I had money put away. I’d worked in retail for years. I figured I’d have no problem finding another job in it. I’d met Lily and Poppy and Rose on my visit prior. They were great. I guess I impressed them without realizing it by making comments about the store and what I did in my job. When it was decided Lily needed help before Ryder was born, they asked Jasmine if I’d be interested.”

“Jasmine didn’t go to them for you?” she asked.

“Nope,” Ivy said. “I wasn’t upset either. I understood that I wasn’t always the most responsible person out there in life, but when it came to work, I was. Jasmine didn’t know that about me though in terms of that. I promised I wouldn’t let her down. I wouldn’t let anyone down. I got the job and I made sure everyone knew I could do it on my own.”

“I think you’ve proven it to them,” she said, smiling.

“I have,” Ivy said. “But it took me a long time. And when they said they were creating your position, I was hurt. I thought for sure I’d done something wrong or that they were taking things away from me.”

“Which didn’t happen,” Sage said. “I worried I’d be stepping on toes. I had such a horrible time with coworkers at my last place that I didn’t want to come in here with drama either. Guess we both went through the same thing.”

“Some would say drama follows me but not in work,” Ivy said. “I think we work well together.”

“We do,” she agreed.

Sage needed that to be said right now. She was positive Ivy needed to hear it too.

She couldn’t believe how insecure she was about her job and hated that feeling.

“I think everything you’re doing right now is awesome. I couldn’t have done it. I don’t have your contacts or resources or education and experience.”

“Come on, Ivy. You’re the one that came up with Harmony as an influencer.”

“I did,” Ivy said, grinning. “Didn’t I? But that is nothing like what is going on with Mateo. It’s all so exciting. I know Poppy has sent over a few things to be looked at already.”

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