Page 105 of A Surprise For Sage

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When others doubted her at that job, Henry didn’t stand up for her.

Then he just vanished, not only out of her life but everyone’s.

When she found out why, it hadn’t been because her father discovered it. It was someone else at work and then rumors ran faster than winds circling in a hurricane.

She wished she’d never found out and would have been better off wondering.

But going home crying to her mother about what she’d heard meant her mother would share with her father. Her father looked into it to verify it was fact not just a rumor. The brief nausea at work was nothing like the dizziness and anger she’d experienced over how her life had turned out and she never saw this happening.

Ignorance is bliss was a wonderful saying.

The timer went off and she pulled her second batch out and threw the third one in the oven, then turned to wash the bowls and everything else she’d used.

Knox was getting cookies.

She’d felt bad she hadn’t made any since the first time they’d reconnected.

But because he was working in the building this week for a few days and she was home, why not?

When twelve rolled around, there was a knock at her door. She moved to open it and saw Knox standing there.

“Well, hello,” she said. “Coming to eat lunch with me rather than in your truck?”

They hadn’t made plans other than he was coming over when he was done working and would stay the night. He was here anyway, why not?

“I was going to,” he said. He hadn’t left with lunch when she asked if he wanted anything. She didn’t know what he did, if he bought stuff or not. “But I smell cookies.”

“I made peanut butter ones. I know you said those are your favorite.”

“I could get so used to this,” he said.

He picked her up and kissed her hard.

She put her legs around his waist and started to grind.

“How about a nooner?” she asked. “I’ve never had one before.”

“Me neither,” he said. “Only a stupid man would turn it down.”

He kicked the door shut with his foot and then walked into her living room, laying her on the couch, him leaning over her.

She pulled her shirt over her head and then started to wiggle out of her leggings.

“Catch up,” she said. “Remember, no condoms so no having to stop and get one.”

She’d always worn condoms with Henry. She’d been on the pill for years for a backup plan but never let him know.

The thought of that alone was enough to have steam coming out of her ears.

“I love it,” he said. “Always did.” Which of course made her wonder who that could have been with besides her.

He’d dated, she knew that. But she didn’t know of anyone really serious. Or that he let on.

She knew he had trust issues too because of his mother.

Not something they talked much about and she’d like to know more since she spilled some of her guts too.

When his mouth landed on her nipple she wiped it all from her mind.

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