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In the span of two minutes, I went from being the happiest girl on earth to a complete mess. I finally opened up to someone, felt like I found my family and could move forward, and he had to go and pull the worst betrayal I could have imagined.

I don’t have the strength to get out of bed and look at myself in the mirror, but I’m pretty sure my face is red and swollen. I’ve been crying all night and through most of the morning. But a few minutes ago, the tears suddenly stopped coming. Maybe I’ve dried out. Marcie came to pick me up as soon as I called her, and she brought me to the apartment she shares with her siblings.

A light knock on the door startles me. “Yes?”

“Bonjour, Jane,” Agnes says, quietly shuffling into Marcie’s bedroom. It’s odd seeing her here, and without her usual uniform. She’s holding a cat carrier, and it’s the only balm that can soothe my heart right now.

“Truffles,” I cry, springing out of bed to take the carrier. I open it, and Truffles practically jumps into my arms, purring. I rub my forehead against her fur and kiss her all over. I’ve missed her so much since yesterday. Since I left Colton.

I force myself to offer Agnes a smile. It’s a half grimace, but it’s the best I can do. “Thanks for bringing her here so quickly. I only texted you an hour ago.”

“Of course,” Agnes says, putting down a large plastic bag containing more of Truffles’ stuff. “Are you okay? You gave us all a scare the other night.”

For a second, I don’t know what she’s referring to. Then, I remember the allergic reaction. As if it could compare to the way my heart is hurting right now.

“I’m fine,” I say, my body going stiff.

“Good. Well, I’d best be getting back to work,” she says. I guess she’s too proper to address the giant elephant in the room, which is fine by me.

“Yes, well, thanks again.” I continue to pet Truffles, who’s now sprawled on her back, enjoying light scratches on her belly.

Agnes turns around and places her hand on the doorknob, but before she opens the door, she snaps back toward me. “I’m not sure what happened between Monsieur Green and you, but I’ve never seen him like zis.”

So much for ignoring the elephant. Looks like I got her all wrong.

“Agnes . . .” I start.

“He’s locked up in his room, refusing to eat or go to work—”

“What do you think I’ve been doing here, huh?” I say, raising my voice. Truffles doesn’t like my volume and jumps off the bed to cower under Marcie’s desk. “I’m not exactly chilling out and having my best life either.”

“But I’m sure you can work zis out,” she says, clutching her chest. “Monsieur Green iz a complicated man, but—”

A painful snort comes in response. “Of course you’d be Team Colton. You’re his most loyal servant. Well, I’m done being used by him,” I spit. “Now please just go, Agnes. There’s nothing you can do to plead his case. What he did is unforgivable.”

She opens her mouth, then closes it.

“Thanks again for bringing Truffles over, though. I appreciate it,” I say in a softer voice.

She twists her mouth and wrings her hands. For a moment, I expect her to continue arguing in his defense, but instead, she gives me a small smile before backing away. “It was my pleasure. Au revoir, Jane.”

Agnes has been gone only a few minutes when Marcie’s head peeks through the doorframe.

“Hey. How are you holding up?”

“I’m fine. Better now that I have Truffles,” I say with a weak smile. “I’m sorry for crashing here. I just didn’t know where else to go.”

“You’re welcome any time,” she says, sitting at the end of the bed. Truffles jumps back onto the mattress and struts over to Marcie for more cuddles.

“Thank you.”

“So, Colton—”

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