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I fight the urge to smile. “I did. But I thoroughly washed my mouth with soap afterward.”

His face splits into a dimpled smile, and I almost melt into a puddle on the floor. “Haha,” he says, tucking my chin into his hand. “You’re funny.”

Then, without warning, his lips connect with mine. It’s so delicious I almost drop my champagne glass. I hold on to his strong shoulder with my other hand, afraid I’ll lose my balance. His touch is firm, yet soft and sweet at the same time. His fresh pine cologne is transporting me out of this room as we get lost in each other. Colton Green has to be the best kisser in the world, and once again, I chide myself for that stupid “no tongue” rule. If the guy can kiss like this without it, the real deal must be spectacular. My mind starts whirling, and I’m not sure about anything anymore. Because this is not a fake kiss. This one seems very real, and it’s effectively shattering the mask I put on.

Cheers and applause erupt around us, forcing us to break the kiss. When I open my eyes, Colton’s gaze settles on me with an expression I’ve never seen him wear. A mix of surprise, fear, embarrassment, and something else I can’t quite decipher.

It probably echoes the one I’m wearing right now. My vision blurs as my heart runs wild like a beast in a cage. I don’t know how long we stay like that, staring at each other, but it feels like an eternity.

Finally, Colton looks away and turns to the crowd, giving a little wave before we both step down from the stage.




I can’t get over that kiss. It was out of this world, and now, everything feels different. At least it does for me. Something happened during that kiss. Something I can’t explain and have never felt before. A connection. Something real. And I can’t help but wonder if she felt it too.

I haven’t been able to keep my eyes off Jane since that moment. It’s like my eyes are drawn to her like a magnet. She’s stunning tonight. She always lights up the room, but the way her sleek beige dress hangs on her hips is exquisite.

Jane. The woman is a mystery I’m dying to solve. Why is a girl like her alone? No boyfriend, no family, no friends. Why did she leave her home state without looking back? What exactly is she running from? Her background check didn’t show anything unusual, which leaves me even more intrigued. Normally, I hate mysteries. I like when everything is clear and transparent. I don’t want to spend my time hunting for answers, but for some reason, this is different. I know this enigma is worth solving. I felt her facade crack earlier when tears were pooling in her eyes, and I wanted more. I’m a bastard, I know, but it’s true. Because if she had completely cracked, then I’d have my answers—or some of them, at least.

I spend the rest of the night chatting with guests and introducing them to Jane, and I’m glad to see she has her gorgeous smile back on. The fact that I was the one to bring it back makes my heart warmer than it’s ever been. My motivation in this world has always been to change my own narrative. To trade the image of the poor foster kid for that of a successful businessman, but I never thought it’d be just as thrilling to change the narrative for somebody else. Jane and I are similar in that way. Giving her the chance to reinvent herself is as much a gift to her as it is to me.


“Do you want to go to bed, or are you up for a game?” Colton asks once we get home.

I bite my lip, checking my watch. It’s late, but I don’t think I could ever resist spending time with Colton. “I’m up for getting my revenge.” My lips twist into a smile. “Let me just check on Truffles first.”

When I open my bedroom door, she’s curled up on my bed, sleeping. She meows loudly when she spots me and rolls onto her back. I pet her and kiss the top of her head. Then, I exchange my shoes for slippers, make sure my makeup and hair still look good, and meet Colton in the game room.

He has already set up the UK version on the table, and two glasses of white wine are waiting next to the board. “Which token do you want?”

“I’ll take the dog,” I say, sitting across from him. He chooses the top hat. “Get ready to taste my revenge,” I say, rubbing my hands together.

But guess what? I lose again. Not that it matters, because I’m rewarded instead with Colton’s breathtaking smile. My alcohol-infused brain is feeding on it, and I hate that I love it so much.

“It’s a game of luck,” I huff, crossing my arms in front of me.

“Oh, don’t be a bad loser, now.” He leans back in his chair, emptying his drink. “It’s not a good look.”

“It’s true, though. You landed on the best properties, and I spent half my time in jail.” How ironic.

“Luck is a factor, but talent is the bigger one.”

I roll my eyes but keep my mouth shut. I know he’s just playing this arrogant, full-of-himself guy. Everything else he’s shown me speaks otherwise.

“Can I ask you something?” he asks, his gaze intensifying.


His steely eyes drill into me. “What are you running from?”

I blink rapidly, taken aback. “What do you mean?”

“Last time we played, you said you landed in LA because you were running away.”

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