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Colton Cold


This is a nightmare. What did I get myself into? I need to make money and soon. Between rent, the vet visit, and the grocery shopping I did for the week, there isn’t much left of the advance Colton gave me. And now, I have to give everything back.

I was so close to solving all my problems. But I won’t do it if it means abandoning a defenseless being in the process.

Where is the front door of this place again? Damn it. I knew it would be a mansion, but this is ridiculous. It’s the biggest house I’ve ever stepped into.

Finally, I recognize the large corridor I entered through earlier. The walls are painted a cool slate gray that reminds me of Colton’s eyes. Like his office, the decoration is very clinical, with abstract paintings and scant decorations. We could call it Colton Cold.

When I reach the front door, Colton’s voice thunders behind me. “Jane. Please, wait.”

I don’t want to stop. I’m mad at him, since he was completely irrational. Never once in the interview process was this mentioned as a requirement. But I force my feet to a halt anyway. Because if there’s any chance of this getting back on track, I need to seize it.

Turning around, I meet his gaze. “What is it?”

“You can bring your cat,” he says quickly, as if to get it over with.


“Yes. You can bring Truffles, but she’ll have to stay on your side of the house. Is that okay? Will she have enough space?”

I prop a hand on my hip. “Look at you, all concerned about my cat.”

He scratches his forehead, his expression still worried. “Well? Will she?”

“Given that she currently lives in a 250-square-foot studio apartment, I’m thinking she’ll do just fine with an entire mansion wing,” I reply.

“Fine. Just make sure she doesn’t chew on things, or pee, or scratch the furniture, and we’re good.”

I chuckle. “She’s a cat, not a lion.”

He gives me a sharp look.

“All right. I’ll make sure she doesn’t destroy your house.”

“Great.” He gives me a tight smile. “Now, can we please go back and sign that contract?”

With a nod, I follow him back to his home office, noticing with a blush that his route was a lot quicker than the one I took. I can’t help but feel a tiny bit excited about exploring this house. I guess curiosity has always been one of my biggest flaws.

Once we sit down, I add the part about Truffles staying in my space and behaving to the list of rules. Then, I draft two other copies, and we both sign them. Finally, I sign the numerous pages of the main contract and give two copies back to Colton, shoving mine into my bag. “There you go.”

“Thank you,” he says, tapping the documents into a neat stack. “We are officially in business. Max will be in touch concerning our first public date. I think he’s scheduled it for Friday. When would you be available to move in?”

I snort internally. Let’s see. When do I want to leave my crappy apartment to come live in this giant mansion? Yesterday? But before I say anything, I remember I’m supposed to act professional. “Whenever is convenient for you.”

“We were thinking about a month from now? Just so we’re seen in public together beforehand, and it doesn’t seem too quick.”

“That works,” I say with a nod.

“Do you have enough to cover rent until then? Otherwise, I can help you out.”

My heart swells at his generous offer, but then I remember it’s just a part of my salary, and he’s my employer. “I do. You gave me more than necessary.”

He swallows hard, glancing away. “Good. Well.” He springs to his feet, clasping his hands. “I’ll walk you out.”

“Good plan. Otherwise, I’ll end up taking the scenic route again,” I say, following him out of the spacious room. “Do you have a map of this place?”

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