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I wanted to ask him to go with me, but we’d already talked about what a bad idea that was. I knew if he put his hands on me out there on the dance floor, I wasn’t going to be able to resist him. I wasn’t even sure we’d make it back to the resort. I’d honestly let him fuck me anywhere. “Are you going to watch me?”

Worth grinned at me. “I’ll enjoy every minute of it.”

I glanced toward the dance floor. Everyone looked happy, but the thought of joining them sent a spike of fear through me.

I hadn’t been out like this without Tommy in a long time, and nearly all the memories of being out with him were unpleasant. His friends had groped me and insulted me when the mood struck for him to insist I dance with them. Then he’d blame me when they went too far, and he got jealous.

Worth laid a hand over mine. “You’re safe, you’re with me. Security here is good, and they know you’re mine.”

I shook my head. “I’m not?—”

“For tonight, you are. Go dance like you want to. Don’t worry about anything.”

If only I could do that. How was I supposed to not worry? I couldn’t help thinking about my future, about all the ways I’d fucked up, about how much I wanted Worth, and how I couldn’t hurt Beck when he’d been better to me than anyone.

I hung my jacket over my chair. As I rolled up the sleeves of my button-down, Worth watched every flex of my fingers, every turn of my wrist. My heart pounded, and my breath came quickly. I forced myself to not look back as I headed for the stairs. Once I was on the dance floor, I let the music take charge, feeling the beat throughout my body. I begin to move, letting my physical self take over and trying to dismiss the concerns crowding my head. I knew Worth was watching, but I didn’t look his way. If I saw him, I would beckon him to join me. I doubted he had much will to resist.

I moved into the crowd, loving the movement, the energy. How long had it been since I’d felt like this? Far too long, I knew that for certain.

Finally, I let myself glance up at Worth. He was smiling at me, his drink forgotten on the table in front of him.

People moved in close, but no one grabbed me or made me feel uncomfortable. Soon, sweat was running down my body, so I pulled my shirt from my pants and unbuttoned it, letting it hang. I considered taking it off altogether and tossing it to the side of the dance floor, then I thought of how much it cost and decided against it. I had fallen fully into the moment. All I remembered about the world outside the dance floor was that Worth was there, watching me, wanting me. But I was dancing for myself. I wasn’t intentionally putting on a show, but something told me he’d prefer that anyway.

He really did want me to be happy. I never thought I’d find someone like Worth. I’d told myself if I could get away from Tommy I’d be content with being on my own. I had to remind myself that Worth didn’t date and rarely saw the same man twice. This wasn’t going to turn into a relationship.

The next song was one of my favorites. I pushed thoughts about a future with Worth from my mind and moved closer to the center of the floor, swaying my body along with the crowd.

I felt a man move behind me. He was big, and the heat of him radiated through my body. He was too close, but I wasn’t worried until he seized my hips and yanked me against him. When he thrust against my ass, I tried to pull away, making it clear that wasn’t what I wanted, but he wouldn’t let me go. He moved his mouth disturbingly close to my ear. “Calm down. We’re just dancing.”

I struggled harder. “Let go of me.” I finally freed myself, and started moving toward the edge of the crowd, but when I was almost free of the press of bodies, the man pushed past me and blocked my escape.

“Don’t be like that. I just want to have some fun.”

“No,” I said. I couldn’t tell if he was truly a threat or if he was just overly enthusiastic, but I wasn’t taking any chances.

I tried to step around him, and he caught my arm. “If you’re done dancing, we could head out back.” He motioned toward a long, dark hallway.



“Get your hands off of him.” It was Worth. He’d come to my rescue.

I’d never seen him look so furious. His eyes were pure ice, and his voice was low and full of menace. Maybe he was more like his friends than he thought.

“Fuck off,” the man said, “we’re just talking.”

“He’s made it clear that he’s not interested.”

“And who the hell are you?” the man snarled.

“His protector.”

Worth took a step forward. The man let go of me and moved closer to Worth. The stranger was massive, his arms bulging with muscles. Worth might be strong enough to toss me on the bed, but a one-on-one contest with this man couldn’t be a good idea.

Fortunately, the club’s security guards came to the rescue.

“Is this man causing trouble?” One of them asked Worth.

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