Page 9 of The Bet

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Once again, and as I noted, she was far from indecently dressed, but she was a bit more appealing now than she had been the previous day. Perhaps she had been trying to test the waters. I had noted immediately how impossible it was to cover up her figure despite how hard she had enviously tried, but now I guess she had put less effort into trying.

Truthfully, she looked as formally dressed as every other female staff member here. In a white skirt suit with a double-breasted blazer. Unless someone leaned especially close to peer down the jacket, her breasts were more or less completely hidden, but when she stretched in this way, there was no way anyone could miss the very gorgeous reminders that she was a woman and a dangerously attractive one at that.

I immediately refused to let slide, since the faster she got fed up and irritated with me, the quicker she would quit. So, instantly I addressed this as well.

"I don't like the way you are dressed," I commented, and her eyes shot wide open in shock. She grabbed the cup and immediately straightened, and then she looked down at her outfit. She really was incredibly appropriately dressed. A simple gold necklace surrounded her slender neck, and her skirt went way down to her knees. There was absolutely nothing to complain about, yet I was being a complete dick. At the hurt expression that passed her face, then, I couldn’t help but feel remorseful. However, this was for both our good. Be friendly with her, soften up, and in no time, she would end up sprawled across the table with my cock inside her. She had just escaped the jaws of an asshole boss that allowed his clients to sexually harass her, and I really didn't think she wanted the same to be right here. I would never stoop so low as to do the same, but she was my secretary, and the last thing I wanted to be worried about was that I wouldn’t be able to keep myself from getting hard whenever she was around.

"Um..." she began again, and once more I had something to correct.

"Do you always start your sentences with 'um'?"

Once again, she froze, and then she took two steps backward as though I was pointing a pistol at her. She didn't say a word. Instead, she nodded, and then she turned around and exited the office without a further word.

Chapter Eight


"Holy freaking shit." To say that I was freaking dazed as I walked out of his office was an understatement. Not only was I dazed, but I was also sure that for a moment back there, I had been genuinely scared for my life because what the fuck was wrong with him? The girls had warned me, of course, of how he was, but this was beyond it. I was almost ready to do anything now to look up his asshole because I was sure I'd find a huge freaking stick lodged in there. He couldn’t be real, and he also couldn’t be the same man who had approached me last night in my distressed state and so kindly offered his help. Had that just been him seeing a business opportunity and taking it? I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the case, especially given how successful he was at such a young age. Maybe he truly was a piranha in all ramifications like the girls had very clearly pointed out and desperately tried to convince me of.

However, given what I had just experienced, I was sure that they had under-communicated his lunacy. I almost felt cheated now because how the fuck was I supposed to deal with this? Standing at my desk and with his cup in hand, I shut my eyes and tried to control my already spiraling emotions because, once again, holy freaking shit. I felt a sense of doom as though, and with my eyes wide open, I had jumped from the frying pan straight into the fire. All I could think of now was rectifying my ways. It wasn’t too late. His firm had contacted me much more quickly than I could have ever imagined, so I had actually already been at my old job before I had gotten the call. So, I had to feign sickness much to the annoyance of my boss at that point. I had less than zero fucks to give and was looking forward to the great future I had been sure that I would have, and so I walked out. However, I had to consider now very seriously the possibility of tucking my very long and crushed tail between my legs and returning to beg for my old job and annoying boss back. Sure, he was the absolute worst, but this one right now was very clearly a lunatic.

But then, perhaps I would be safer with him? I couldn’t help but wonder. I mean, so far, he just seemed to not want to be distracted or bothered by me in any way, and although the way he communicated this was a bit jarring, I had to ask myself if this truly wasn’t better than being sexually harassed. Plus, of course, all his corrections and admonishments came at once; this was literally the first time meeting him. Surely, and after I complied as requested, he would soon run out of them and behave like a normal human being, right? Right? My mind was spinning, and so were my emotions, so when I suddenly heard the knock on the door and the subsequent voice, I was nearly startled out of my body.

"Hey," the soft, kind voice came, and my head snapped up. I nearly let go of his cup as a result, but thankfully my reflexes were sharp, and I was able to save the cup in time.

"Oh, great catch," she said, and after I had managed to calm my thundering and panicking heart, I finally looked up to see who had stopped by. It was a gorgeous girl, the same height as me more or less, and blonde. She had soft peach lips, had on a wonderful dark dress, and strappy heels. Truly, the marketing firm I had worked at had some fashionistas, but this freaking firm was on another level. I also noted she had quite the cleavage action going on. I mean, it wasn’t enough to stop traffic, but it was very obvious to anyone who looked that she was a bloody attractive woman.

"Hi," I said as she came over to me with her hand offered. I immediately set the cup down and accepted her handshake. "I'm Hannah," I introduced myself. "Nice to meet you."

We kept smiling at each other, and it was more than awkward, to say the least since I wasn't exactly sure what was happening. More than just paying a visit, it seemed that she was checking me out, and it made me even more curious as to who she was.

“You are –” I asked, needing her to leave now so I could get to work before I earned the record of the quickest hire and fire in history.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I’m Sandra,” she said. “I was just so fucking blown away. I mean, you're gorgeous.”

"Ah," I said, my entire face flushing and my entire body warming up. I'd heard that all my life, but for some reason, no matter who said it, it always felt as though I was receiving the compliment on behalf of someone else. Because I knew me and my messy self, when I didn’t put in any effort to look presentable, I just couldn’t accept this. Major imposter syndrome.

"Thank you," I said. "You're even more gorgeous," I returned the compliment and she smiled.

I started to feel quite uncomfortable, though, because there we were, two women at the top law firm in the city, and all we could talk about was being gorgeous. It was quite embarrassing, and it made me shudder to think of the possibility that anyone was overhearing us.

"I work for the second partner," she said. "Named partner," she clarified. "Wilson."

"Ah, alright, that's great."

"Yeah," she nodded. "So, in a way, we’re the top two secretaries of the firm. My boss is the managing partner."

"Higher than my boss, right?" I asked, unable to keep from gloating because that ass of a man deserved in some way or another to not be first.

"Yeah," she replied. "But by choice, he doesn't like to manage people very much. He’d much rather be busy with legal business. He even tries his hardest to avoid clients."

I was a bit surprised by how much she knew until I remembered that her boss probably didn't change secretaries like tampons.

"Yeah," I nodded. "Thanks."

"For what?" she asked.

"For the information. I'm incredibly new, so I think I'm going to need all the help possible to adjust as quickly as possible."

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