Page 61 of The Bet

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Soon we arrived in the office, and I collected the duffel bag from her.

"Folded and all," she said, "There's a change of a suit, blouses, flats, and skincare."

She looked around as I quickly confirmed all that she was saying. However, just before I could throw my arms around her in gratitude, there was a knock on the door. My gaze snapped to her, my eyes wide, and it was as though she instantly read my mind.

"If you tell me to duck or hide under a desk or something, I will shoot you."

"No need," I replied, even though that was the first thing I had thought about. The pause, however, did me some good because it made me wonder who was knocking. It was definitely not my boss, so I checked and saw that it was Sandra. I instantly frowned, wondering what she was doing. When she headed in and I immediately saw the interest she had in Mandy, I understood exactly why she was here.

"Hi," she greeted with the biggest smile on her face and offered her hand to the stranger.

"I saw you both sneaking over from reception. You're Hannah’s guest?"

"Yes, I am," Mandy replied and accepted the handshake. I took my seat and couldn’t help but stare at Sandra. At first, when I had just started working here, I thought she was just being helpful, but now it was immensely clear to me that she was a nosy person.

She turned to me then, and when she saw the bag, she didn’t ask about it, which I knew would have aggravated me.

"Have you two known each other for long?" she asked. "You've never brought anyone to the office, so I always wonder who your friends were outside the office?"

"Really?" Mandy asked. "Why don't you guys go out for lunch or something?"

"She's been incredibly busy trying to catch up," Sandra replied before I could even get the chance to answer. "You know she has minimum legal experience, right, so she has to study really hard. She's made quite the number of mistakes, but she's surprisingly very smart. The other secretaries who’ve been as pretty as her haven’t survived as long. It makes me wonder if it's just that she's smart or if there's something else."

She laughed out loud, but unfortunately for her bird brain, she didn’t even realize that she had exposed herself to the worst person of us, which was Mandy. I remained amused even though all the backhanded insults because her words now and for the first time had given me a bit of insight into her.

Gloria, the Human Resources director, had assigned her to me, but whenever I needed her, she was somehow not available. And whenever she gave me information, it was either incomplete, delayed, or inaccurate. My eyes narrowed as I watched her quietly; however, Mandy, on the other hand, had already begun to fume.

Mandy asked, her eyes bright and bubbling with curiosity.

"What do you mean exactly by you didn’t know I am her friend because she's smart or something else? What other thing could it be?" she asked. "You know Hannah has always had her tricks all through high school and even college. I've always asked her what her secret is. You know she's never been fired, right? Who the hell hasn’t ever been fired? And she's never even failed any tests? She's freaking frustrating?"

Sandra was amused. "Yeah, I guess. But I'm immensely impressed, though, so tell us Hannah, how come you haven’t been fired yet?"

I watched her and couldn’t help but blink. Mandy, by her side, had her eyes widened at me in shock, anger, and amusement.

"What do you mean by why haven't I been fired?" I asked. "Did you want me to be fired?"

"No, I mean, it's the pattern here. It’s your boss's pattern. He fires everyone. The females, I mean."

"I thought the last three secretaries made monumental mistakes?" I thought that's why he fired them?"

"Well, that was the case."

"And the secretary before that was a man that worked with him for three years. He had absolutely no problems with him. He only left to be with his grandchildren because his daughter needed help."

"Well, true, but?—"

"Was there any other? Have you been here long enough to know?" She shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

"Of course, he started this firm."

"So, who else?" She stared at me, and then she smiled and got up.

"I think I should get back to work, and like your friend said, you're doing great. But things can change at any moment, and of course, if they don’t, I'd really like to know your secret because I’m sure it's not just because you're okay at your job."

"Wow!" Mandy said behind her, and we all turned.

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