Page 19 of The Bet

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“Gloria mentioned to me that she was going to find someone in the company and assign them to you so that you could learn the ropes. I think a paralegal and another secretary will be good. We can arrange it when we get back.”

I nodded at this, still thinking about things I had no business thinking about, like how it would feel to kiss him and how his lips would taste on my lips.

It was crazy how with his simple comment, the switch flipped for me and my brain registered that he was actually out of this world gorgeous.

“You said you have someone,” he said. “Is it someone you can call via phone or do they have to be at the office as well?”

I immediately responded.

“Um, yeah, I do, but via phone. They have some experience, so they can guide me as needed.”

He watched me, and I was suddenly so nervous that I instantly grabbed my fork and began to stab away at my salad. He called the waiter over then and ordered a green juice.

“Alright,” he said. “Let’s give it a go for a week and see how you improve. I hope we won’t be having another unnecessary conversation by then?”

“We won’t,” I all but swore it.

The rest of the lunch went well, as well as could be, but of course, he had to take over doing my job and getting his meeting ready. He called George and then the other person, who I assumed was the infamous guy, and the investigation was underway. I ate faster than was needed because I didn’t want to be even more of a burden, and in no time, I was done and ready to head back.

“I'll pay,” I told him as I pulled out my card when the waiter came over.

He raised his brow at me.

“It's the least I can do, in the spirit of honesty, I would've joined you at the restaurant as well, but it seemed ridiculously expensive, and I didn’t want you to have to pay for me.”

As his eyes narrowed at me, I wondered if I had just further convinced him that he was making a bad decision by extending my grace period. Before he could make up his mind, however, I rose to my feet, and soon we were on our way.

Chapter Seventeen


"So… how did it go?"

At the question, I had to think because I couldn’t believe what a hectic day it had been. All in all, and when he wasn’t being a dick any longer, things had gone pretty smoothly. However, I now felt even more useless than ever because it was as though I was a placeholder. Still, I managed to quickly get up to speed with all his already scheduled appointments for the month, and importantly, the brand of coffee he liked.

The girl Sandra who had helped me earlier had come back, and I was given a proper tour of the office. I found the paralegal's office, located George’s office once again even though he was never there, and of course, the humongous filing room. I got the code for my photocopier and all other equipment, and by the end of the day, I felt confident enough to find my way around.

He hadn’t left.

This I expected, so I was prepared to stay, reading up on what I could about being a legal secretary until eventually, he called me from his phone and ordered me home.

"There's no point in you being here," he said. "You're just distracting me."

Well, I knew he wasn't trying to be mean this time around, but it did come off that way. However, after how honest he’d been with me, I truly couldn’t find it in my heart to be angry.

He wanted me, was all I could think as I headed down the elevators, and for some reason when I looked in the mirror now as a result, I felt… beautiful. Not the way he described, of course, but… appealing. Enough so that I could have the audacity to want him and even harbor the hope that I could get him. But seeing the extremes he had gone to prevent that from happening, I had to wonder if I was engaged in nothing more than a pipe dream.

Mandy called me just as I strolled out of the building and hailed a taxi. I didn’t really want to talk and needed at least an hour through the quiet ride to process my future. So, I rejected the call and sent her an apology and a short message.

"I’ll call you later. I’m headed home now."

She sent a heart, but then I was soon added to a group chat. At the influx of messages that started to come in, I didn’t need to wonder if it was the harem of Guy’s previous secretaries. More than ever now, I was a bit curious about them because he was problematic when he wanted to be, but why exactly had he fired them? Had he been attracted to them too? If this was the case, then his problem was with females, not that I was attractive.

Sighing, I joined the chat and began to answer the questions. One after the other, the messages came.

"How did it go?"

"Should we meet for drinks?”

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