Page 180 of Lead Us To Temptation

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It’s what he does best.

“What do you think his actual intentions are?”

“Honestly I don’t know and that is what frightens me the most.”

Very few things frightened me in this world. Knowing Micheal might have ulterior motives with Catalina was one of them.

What game is he playing?

It made sense for him to want to keep her alive. He knows no doubt now how she feels about me and how I feel about her. The logical response would be to take her away. Take her somewhere far away where I wouldn’t be able to reach her. Yet he was still here. Still planning to train her.


“Are you afraid of Micheal?” Gabriel’s question pulled me back to reality,

“I am not afraid of Micheal and I never have been.”

But then again I didn’t have much to lose back then. This time, I had everything to lose.

“If you had to choose brother, between going home to your people, to your friends, and a life with Catalina, which would you choose?”


“I’d pick her.”

No matter what options I was given I would pick her. She was everything I wanted and needed in my life. Before her I was just existing, moving day to day without a care for anyone or anything. Now, I was living. She brought me to life. Perhaps it was the way she smiled at me, or the way she laughed, or maybe the way her cheeks flushed when she had an entirely wicked idea or maybe it was the boldness in which she always spoke with me. Whatever she had done, she healed me. She sewed up every broken piece of me with a piece of herself. I fell for her. I fell so quickly that it was almost unbelievable. Yet, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Gabriel nodded and I could see a little doubt in his eyes,

“Make no mistake Gabriel, I do miss my home and my people and friends, but she will always be my priority. Her safety, Her happiness, it will always be important to me.”

“Good to know.”

We were both silent for a moment. I knew he probably disliked this… whatever this was between Catalina and I. Relationship? It felt like that was too simple a word for what this was. Too simple for what she meant to me.

“Do you believe he would have ulterior motives with her?” Gabriel asked as he glanced up the stairs.

“I hope not but honestly it is possible.”

It just didn’t make sense. From Micheal’s perspective, It made the most sense to keep her alive, to do whatever possible to ensure her safety. Yet he lied to Gabriel. Normally that wouldn’t be anything new but the fact he swore it on our father. That was throwing us on edge. Micheal was always the most loyal to our father out of all of us, yet he lied and swore on our father that he didn’t.

“I hate to even think this let alone say it out loud but I think we should consider the thought that he might use her against you.”

I shook my head at him,

“You don’t think he would kill her?”

I hated that thought. Just thinking about it made my blood run cold.

“It wouldn’t make sense for him to kill her.”

“But if he knew using her would get to you-”

“Killing her would do what Micheal thinks I want.”

What the hell was Michael’s angle here? What was his plan?

“What do you think of her idea? About caging Micheal?” Gabriel finally asked.

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