Page 178 of Lead Us To Temptation

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“Well I don’t know about you two but I’m grabbing seconds.”

Gabriel chuckled,

“Save some for the rest of us.”

I could live like this forever. My favorite place with two of my favorite people. Away from the world and its problems. We wouldn’t have to worry about what others would think or pleasing other people. We would have each other. We would be safe and everything would be okay. We could be a.. a family. A weird dysfunctional one but still a family.

And honestly, that’s all I ever wanted.

* * *

Lucifer’s POV

After we finished dinner, Catalina, Gabriel, and I moved into the living room. Catalina had mentioned before that she was never good at darts and tonight I witnessed exactly how bad she truly was at it.

“Want to give my technique a try?” I turned away from her walking to the dartboard and pulling out the darts that she actually managed to connect to the board.

“What would that be?” She asked hesitantly,

“Put up a picture of someone you don’t like.”

I snapped my fingers and a picture appeared on the board. I turned to face the board, taking the spot right next to Catalina, focusing on the center of the target as I threw the dart.

I hit my mark.

I turned to Catalina whose eyes were shining so brightly she could have blinded me.

“Give it a try.”

Catalina closed her eyes and rolled her shoulders back before taking a deep breath and slowly opening her eyes, focusing on the target.

Slowly she drew her hand back and threw the dart at the board.

She hit dead center.

“Much better,” I smirked at her as her smile beamed across her face, sending a warm feeling through my chest.

“Let’s go again.” She said as she turned back to face the board and tossed another dart at the picture.

And then another.

And another.

She hit her target every time.

“Do I even want to know why you guys are throwing darts at a picture of a priest?”

Gabriel’s voice interrupted us. We both turned to face him as Catalina shrugged as she sat down on the couch,

“Religious trauma.”

Well, she has a point there.

Gabriel eased into the living room leaning against the door frame, his guitar in hand. He didn’t seem like he wanted to join us and I think he was still a little angry about earlier when Catalina had come down the stairs in nothing but a blanket. It was a little funny but part of me took a little pride in the fact that he saw that I had claimed her and that she was covered in my scent.

“Damn, it’s getting late,” Gabriel said as he turned his head back from looking at the clock.

Catalina turned and looked at the clock. I knew she was getting tired, it was getting increasingly difficult for her to keep her eyes open.

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