Page 177 of Lead Us To Temptation

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“We train Catalina to control the Hellfire, you downplay it to Micheal. Make it seem as if she’s struggling and can’t control it. Eventually, he’ll get angry and let something slip.”

Lucifer said as he placed his hand on my thigh and gave a slight squeeze. It was a solid plan. They knew Micheal and his tactics. Micheal would eventually slip up and we’d be able to catch him.


Would catching him even be enough? What would we even do if we caught him? Was there anything we could even do to him that would repay for the eons of hurt and anger that Lucifer had felt? Micheal had made Lucifer suffer for some reason and maybe it was time we figured out why. Yet what if it backfired? What if everything goes to utter hell?

“But.” I started to say as Gabriel and Lucifer looked at me,

“What if he decides to take matters into his own hands?”

I didn’t want to bring it up but it was a possibility. There was always a chance Micheal could get fed up and just do what he thought was right.

Lucifer grabbed my hand lacing our fingers together,

“Then we get you as far away as possible.”

“Or I could use my gift against him.”

I thought about it over and over again. How badly Micheal reacted to my fire. As if he was afraid of it when I almost burned him. I looked and could see the apprehension in Lucifer and Gabriel’s eyes but I continued.

“What’s the point in training me if you guys are just gonna make me run and hide every time.”

“She does have a point, Lucifer,” Gabriel said, I looked over and saw a strange look on his face. Lucifer’s hand squeezed mine as I looked back at him,

“What do you suggest?” he asked me. At that moment I was so glad. He wanted my opinion. He didn’t want to lock me away and keep me caged up.

Cage! That’s it!

“He wanted to cage you, maybe I’ll just cage him. If I can trap him with the Hellfire and hold him there it should buy us some time.”

“Buy us time for what?” Gabriel asked. I could hear the panic and worry in his voice.

“For you to call your friend again and prove that Micheal is a liar.”

Ever since I learned the truth about Lucifer’s fall, My anger towards Micheal had grown. It wasn’t fair. Lucifer suffered for a crime he didn’t commit! He suffered for saving someone who needed help! It wasn’t fair. He lost everything because of Micheal. And I hated him for it.

Lucifer looked at Gabriel,

“Would it even change anything?”

“Possibly, with father gone, we would need to have witnesses and even then I’m not sure what we would be able to do about the lock.”

“We could keep him until he breaks it. If he created it surely he can find another way to destroy it.” I responded.

Lucifer was silent for a moment. I could tell a part of him was considering what I was saying yet he was fighting his instincts to protect. He was weighing every option in his head and visualizing every possible outcome.

“It is a possibility, one we should keep in mind.”

I knew I could do it and overall I was glad he was keeping my idea in mind. I wanted to help him, I wanted to help fix the mess that Micheal created. I wanted to see him happy.

“So what time is training tomorrow, if you guys don’t mind I’d like to join you.”

Lucifer answered before I did,

“Be outside by noon, Catalina and I will join you.”

Gabriel nodded in acknowledgment as I finished my water,

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