Page 155 of Lead Us To Temptation

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“I’m fine but I am not the one with cuts and bruises on my back.”

“What are you talking about?” Gabriel asked me, a puzzled look across his face

He doesn’t know.

“Micheal apparently took it upon himself to discipline Catalina while you were gone.”

Discipline. What he did was far from discipline.

“Did she say what happened?”

I looked into Gabriel’s eyes and I could see the anger slowly building up in them,

“Every detail and let me make one thing clear Gabriel,”

Gabriel looked down, shame now prominent in his eyes,

“If he lays another hand on her, If I so much as even see one bruise on her, I will cut off his fingers and watch as he chokes on them while I cut off his hands and feed them to the hounds.”

“Lucifer I’m sorry, I had no idea he’d do anything to her.”

You should have known better!

“It is not me you should be apologizing to.”

Gabriel went silent for a moment as if he was debating what he was going to say.

“How bad was it?”

“Remember when we were young and Micheal disciplined us?”

Gabriel nodded,

“Remember how much pain we were in, how bad it hurt?”

“Unfortunately.” His shoulders tensed as he answered,

“It was painful for us and we have a higher pain tolerance because of our immortality, she is mortal. Imagine the pain she’s in.”

I knew she was in pain. She could say she was fine but I could see it in her eyes. She suffered at Micheal’s hands. People seemed to forget that Micheal himself had a reputation for showing no mercy when it came to punishment. I knew firsthand the kind of things Micheal would resort to when pushed. Many forgot that Micheal was the one to teach me the art of torture.

“I’m sorry Lucifer.”

“What for?”

“You have been cast as a villain for so many years and no one bothered to defend or help you.”

I didn’t expect any of you to stand up for me anyway.

“Every story needs a villain right?” I responded.

Gabriel shook his head and asked,

“I just don’t understand, why would Micheal lie? Why would he twist your words around?”

“Your guess is as good as mine brother.”

Gabriel sighed,

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